Does anyone have a scan of this?


Creator of Fallout Fixt

The cheapest it can be found for these days is between 60 to 100 USD. I don't have that kind of money at the moment (college, unemployed).

I owned this when I was in high school, but threw it out when we moved, because apparently i'm retarded.

Anyway if someone has this as BMP/PDF/whatever i'd greatly appreciate it. Would be a wonderful addition to our community and I would include it with my Fallout 1 mod as well :clap:
Nice, I would love to get my dirty mitts on that, I would probably read it for the joy, not for it's real purpose. It'll be entertaining for a long time I reckon, I especially like the supposed chapter in the guide with all the friendly character profiles.

On the other hand on the related books bit further down the page, they had a book called the 'Ultimate Train Simulator Guide', why on earth would someone want a guide to a train simulator game, WHY!
I remember the "Ol' Slim" stuff being very amusing.

Sigh, I wish I hadn't gotten rid of it. Oh well.
Someone actually uploaded this guide once, but I don't remember who it was. Maybe Lexx? Can't find it with the search function...
The Fo2 guide was uploaded, I can't recall that the Fo1 has been.