I've recently had a bit of a stroll in adventure game land again, god did I miss those games. But it made me remember about this discussion on games getting easier and dumbed down. If it's noticeable anywhere, it's in the adventure genre.
I don't know whether adventure game creators call it 'evolving' or 'improving' or something, but almost all of them come up with some shitty reason to put enemies, sneaking, perhaps even fighting, and thus dying in. Adventure games were never, ever about the action, the adrenaline of a good sneak action (that's what Thief is for) or whatever. Adventure games were about a huge amount of (un)spoken text, a huge amount of interactive items and often an even bigger amount of confusion of what the heck to do next and usually a ridiculously large amount of creative work and humour.
Granted, Discworld and games like that had me do stuff I couldn't seriously consider calling 'logically deductible' in any way. But the fun, oh, the fun. And if I did figure out stuff, which I usually could really, then the feeling of achievement was just great.
Now, skip forward. Broken Sword 3 and Dreamfall are the latest two installments of adventure games I've been playing in the last..oh I don't know, few years. Instead of the usual huge amount of items, you're suddenly stuck with, what, 5 at most? Interactions or 'puzzles' in Dreamfall ranged from 'bring a sandwhich from the local inn' to 'use either of two items in your inventory on the world'. Or even to 'I need a rope' while finding a rope 2 metres behind you. Seriously, I felt like playing an interactive movie. The first 'Longest Journey' game was marvellous. great (non-chaos theory) puzzles and so on. Now it's suddenly all gone and in its place are some swanky notions of storytelling.
Seriously, I don't think there's been a good adventure game in the last 5 years. At least, I don't know about it. It's a dying breed probably, just like Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Thief 1 & 2 are. All of them got 'sequels' more or less, and all of them failed, more or less.