Does anyone think I'm crazy for doing this?

Thanks, I'll probably need it. This area has about a 9.75% unemployment rate during the fall/winter, due to a large number of seasonal jobs. It's a good thing I like to pay my bills up in advance, just in case. (I used to BE one of those seasonal workers, I learned this lesson the hard way.) ATM, I have a fair amount stored up in the bank, and my x-mas shopping is done, so I figure I have until about the second week of February before things here really start getting tight. With careful budgeting, I think March is the limit. My momma taught me to be the ant, not the grasshopper. I appreciate the good wishes, though.

A bit of news today, from my district manager. He told me:
This is too much money for the company to just write off. I understand you say you didn't take it, and I know if you didn't, it's unfair to you to have to pay it back. But we don't know you didn't take it. If you don't have it to us Friday, you will never be able to use us as a reference for future jobs.
He said a few other things, but apparently someone informed him that they have no legal recourse in regards to forcing me to pay. So, if I don't pay them, I CAN NOT USE THEM AS A REFERENCE-BOO-HOO-HOO!!!!! Oh, my fucking god, this is too funny! After all the dramatic bullshit over the last six weeks, THIS IS IT? Oh, and after seeing how they were trying to do me, the second manager left, too. Now the store manager gets to work open to close until they train at least one more manager. This takes about a month. I hope the dumb bitch has fun, she's earned it through a complete lack of insight, intelligence, and managing ability. I mean, really, what kind of store manager takes a week's vacation with shit like this going on anyway?

But, whatever. I hope they have fun finding replacements. And I can't wait to see their faces when I go in to get my last check, and money has still been coming up missing all week with me gone. This should be kind of fun, actually. :D
One thing I can tell you Talisien is that even though the manager may have said that you cannot use that job as a reference. You actually still can. Most companies will not give out bad references to other firms for fear of civil litigation. I think you made the right move in quiting, because now you do not have to specify to your next job why exactly you left, and the company who you just left will not tell your next job why you left either.
Honestly, LET them tell another company why I left. If they say anything other than "left due to stupid and false allegations of theft", I will sue the ass off of them. 'Defamation of Character', 'Slander', 'Emotional Pain and Distress', 'Loss of Income' (if I don't get a job because of them), attorney's fees ( my lawyer doesn't work cheap, but he's damn good), court costs, et cetera. That's not even the WHOLE list my attorney gave me to read to the corporate assholes. Actually, I didn't even get that far before my (former) district manager was shutting up and ending the conversation, LOL. I'm pretty sure that I don't want a shitty, likely soon to be failing, restaurant on my resume anyway.

You know, I've been a member of these forums for maybe a month now, and I have got more support from you folks here than from my entire family. (That's a big family, too, at over 250 people between both sides.) That is just... too cool. Thanks, everyone.
Actually, it's because my grandparents on both sides had a lot of kids- my dad is one of thirteen kids, my mom one of eleven. ALL of them have multiple children. Add to that the fact that most of THEM (my generation) are in their late twenties or early thirties with kids of their own... Yeah, you should see the dinner table at family Thanksgiving. Holy shit, you don't see that much good food at a Greek wedding! A 'small' family gathering on either side is fifty people or less. We tend to rent halls for 'real' family get-togethers.

All that aside... yeah, a lot of them are rednecks, LOL.
Sorry for the double-post, I know I should have just edited the last one, but I wanted to bring this back to people's attention by lighting up the thread symbol so that I might get some new feedback.

New News:

The company has filed a police report and requested a 'thorough inquiry'. They told me this about five hours after I had already found out. It's a good thing to have a lot of friends in the various police departments in the area. I had three people, from various departments, call me before my former employers.

Old News:

My attorney still tells me that he has these bastards cold, unless something has come up that I don't know about.

My Thoughts:

I dislike the many sue-happy bastards in America today. I have long been verbal about the stupidity of these people. However, I am about to become one, if this ever gets to court. My attorney tells me that his recommendation is that if this goes to court, win or lose, I file a counter-suit on the grounds of Defamation of Character, Harassment, Discrimination, Filing False Charges, and Unfair Labor Practices; and also sue for Lost Wages, Emotional Pain and Distress, Punitive Damages, Court Costs, and Attorney's Fees.

I feel that this might go too far, but he tells me that a 'shotgun approach' might well cause them to settle out-of-court and save me the time and effort of multiple court appearances. This would be nice, but is hardly necessary. At the moment, I just want them to drop the matter, and if possible, have them apologize for calling me a thief.

That is what this really boils down to. I hate Hate HATE thieves, and being called one really pisses me off. I mean, pisses me off like 'Rosh when some noob tells him that he (Rosh) doesn't know squat about FO' pissed. But I can live with that, as long as I know that no one else is unjustly taking the heat that I could be taking. (Like so many people, I have a bit of a hero complex- I always wanna save the day.)

Unfortunately, the company seems to be throwing accusations around like zoo monkeys throw poo. I would rather have their attention on me for three reasons:

1- It takes the heat off of the others who are not stealing money
2- it gives both the police and the company a chance to catch the real criminal
3- The longer I drag this out, and the more money comes up missing, the better my case gets against the company

Anyway, that is where things are now. My friends in the local police have told me to expect a visit from a detective tomorrow or the day after. I also have an appointment with my attorney to sign formal papers and to write out the specifics of what company documents he should subpoena in court.

Any advice would be welcome, as would encouragement. Despite my words to the contrary, and the fact that I have been ahead of the game from the beginning of all this shit, I am still nervous as hell. Whatever. It really doesn't matter if anyone posts to this. I mostly just needed to express myself and release a bit of tension, and after all, isn't that what friends are for?
So? What happened?

Does the lack of updates on this story mean you're in jail or something? :D
Yeah, I'm sorta wondering. In the time I've been lurking NMA, I've been keeping up on this topic. If you're there, Tallsien, give us a sign! Tell us if any more money was stolen! :P
Hey, folks, sorry for the lack of updates. Didn't think anyone was that interested, really.

First -
No, I am not and was not in jail. I have had pneumonia for the last month or so, and haven't been able to get out of bed for long at a time, so I haven't been online much.

Second -
The police pretty much told the company they were pissing into the wind trying to bring charges against me.

Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed. If I had been arrested, I would have had grounds for a major lawsuit. I could be cashing a fat check about now, instead of being broke.

Between my attorney and me, we can swing a pretty mean threat- and corporations hate to hear the words 'jury trial'. They know that the average person has a low opinion of big company mindsets. Big companies tend to shaft the little guy, and us little guys are learning how to turn that around and make THEIR asses bleed for a change. In this case, we (me and my attorney) figure we could have bled them for about a quarter of a mil (US dollars), after about six months- or $50k in a mediated settlement right away, which is what I would have gone for.

Honestly, though, what I want more than money is an apology. I hate thieves, I can't even tell you how much. Being called one makes me unbelievably angry. I almost hope they talk some shit like that when future employers call them as a reference- then the lawsuit thing comes back around again, and I'll be pissed enough to be a bit more aggressive about following it up this time.

That's pretty much where things sit, ATM. Sorry it's not some exciting new chapter, but, hey- this ain't some novel, guys and gals, just boring old life.
Yeah... Sue them for Sander... oh wait... it was slander...

Meh... Same thing. ;)

Good to have you back and I hope your pneumonia is cured and you're fine again.
Talisien said:
...and was not in jail.

What's with this trend of NMAers / Orderites successfully avoiding imprisonment? Maybe I should try my luck. Murder has always been tempting.

Anyway, good news.
frissy wrote:
Can't you sue them for slander?

Unfortunately, not at the moment. If they made a formal accusation, yes, but by the way they worded their investigation request, no. They stated they had "a lack of information, but are suspicious enough to feel it warrants further, professional, investigation." That's right from my copy of the police report. In Ohio, if something isn't directly stated as or implied to be a fact, it is only an opinion, and is therefore protected under the First Amendment right of freedom of speech. They didn't accuse me in their statement to the cops, they implicated me. To me, it's one and the same, but to the law it's not, especially since the charge proved unfounded and they have taken no further action.

Now, as I said before, if a future potential employer should be told that I stole from them, or was fired for stealing, anything like that, that would be slander because: A) it has been proven untrue, and B) they are stating it both knowingly and with harmful intent. You have to be able to prove those two things (especially the second) to have a chance at successful litigation in a case of slander.

Oh, well. I guess it's over and done with, now. That's the important thing. Well, that, and the fact that they had over half of the employees quit in the last two months, and three of them the week before last for - drumroll please- stealing cash from the register. I guess it's just a funny coincidence that two of them were working there at the same time I was...