Does Boone sound a bit like myron to any one else?

I thought they had the exact same voice, but they don't. Myron was voiced by Jason Marsden. The Fallout wiki says Boone is voiced by JAMES Marsden (a completely different, unrelated actor) but I just can't believe that I'm hearing two different voices. I guess it's true because it's in the actual credits, though!
Pretty crazy coincidence that they sound so similar and their different voice actors have the same last name!
Similar enough that they might have come from the same voice actor. Some are very talented and it can be tough to tell, others every voice they do sounds a little similar.

Speaking of voice actors, did any of you know that Conkers Bad Fur Day for the N64 only had 1 male and 1 female voice actor?
Texas Renegade said:
Nah, Boone sounds more like clint eastwood or someone, not like wynnie ol myron.

Kind of a weird mishap in the credits of the game, but Jason Marsden WAS the voice of Boone, not James.

He sounded so much like Myron to me that I was shocked it wasn't him...but it turns out it was him, after all. I'd be kind of pissed at not being credited properly. Hope they paid him decently.