Does it?


Senator oTO
So I recently started to play Fallout again, and there is something very peculiar that changed in my game-play. You see, I used to be all about doing the good stuff, a regular goody-two-shoes; because that just gave me the best feeling; getting Gizmo's confession, helping to kill Decker, etc. However, in my most recent game, I tend to get into all kinds of trouble... without WANTING to get into trouble.
The best example of this happened in Junktown: I was walking in Gizmo's casino, waving a gun (by accident, mind you). The guard asks me to put it away, but before I can make a move, one of the gamblers starts attacking me right away! Of course, I have to kill almost half the casino, trying to save my own skin... I get out of the casino with gizmo's confession (he didn't seem to care that I killed his costumers) and want to go to Killian. But then, the guard next to the Crash House gets all riled up -might have something to do with killing those gamblers- and he attacks me! I mean... come on, give me a break! So I put him under too. Of course, now Killian is mad at me for messing with his "mofo's", so he and his guards try to get me down, something they must suck badly in, since they failed miserably.
The only thing I could do, was to go back to Gizmo and give him Killian's dogtags. After that, I'm told to skip town for a while...
So I started out with the plan of doing the good thing, but instead, I was dragged into some evil scheme to make me all bad and all... But it's not just that, I also found out I take great pleasure to shoot people in the groin... To the amount that I'm ALWAYS shooting people in the groin now, whenever there are people that need shootin'... What happened to me...? :shock:

So, does this make me a bad person...? :?
well you were waving a gun around..........GEEE

you should have just loaded a save....unless you didnt save and then i will call you a newbie.
bob_the_rambler said:
you should have just loaded a save....unless you didnt save and then i will call you a newbie.
And what would you call me if I considder reloading for something else than a dying or the death of a party member, as something that spoils the fun?
In Fo1 its not really much help no even bother with NPC's, the only advantage i could see in it was having a few mules to carry shit.
So no i wouldnt call you a newb for not caring about a almost worthless NPC.
I always found the moral aspects of fallout games a bit lacking. You don't really get that evil feeling from being bad, you just know that as you progress, you are going to have to kill a LOT more people. Thats why i like Planescape Torment so much. It actually made me think about what i was doing. It also got me really depressed when through my actions, my party would suffer so much... But i digress. What was the question??? Oh yeah... Nah your not a bad person, it is just a game...
NPC's aren't worthless though imo. Not to mention any sentimental value they might have... I mean, why not fall in love with Katja...? Err ok, she did suck badly, bad example :).
No, but I like to keep my NPC's around, coz they're good for things like drawing enemy fire and dealing out a few hits themselves. I for one, am glade that there ARE NPC's in Fallout.

Ps: I didn't know you couldn't post in the Order forum about Fallout... Thought everything was accepted there besides gamehints...?
The orders rules seem to change and conflict with previous ones everyday. It is best to stay out of there at your rank :D
No, he's a potential orderite.

Continue to post in the Order, just don't post any Fallout stuff. Take a look at what's already posted there, and discuss.
Forgotten said:
The orders rules seem to change and conflict with previous ones everyday. It is best to stay out of there at your rank :D
Hehe, long live something called "certainty of law" (roughly translated from one of my subjects) :P

I guess I'll just lurk a bit longer and get a feel of the things posted there... Thanks
My best advice is to reply to threads (not really messy ones) and just try to get comfortable, we have a strange community, but one you can enjoy if you fit in.

Oh, we may need this to be split, and vatted Ozrat. Considering the original post is a good conversation.
clercqer said:
I was dragged into some evil scheme to make me all bad and all...

Well let's see ... the guards say stuff like this ...

You'd better put that away.
No weapons can be drawn except in self-defense.
Your weapon, idiot. Killian won't take your arms away, but you'd better damn well keep them in your holster.
Put your weapon away, don't draw it unless in self-defense, and you won't have a problem with us guards.

So if you waved your gun around you were not dragged into anything, you either provoked on purpose or weren't paying attention. Its just like NCR in FO2.
So you run into a casino waving a gun. Kill everyone there, you are then shocked by the lawmen attacking you for mass murder and upset when Killian gets angry for killing his men, mass murder and waving a gun about?

How did you manage to screw up so much if you've played it before?

P.S. It DOES make you a bad person. You naughty thing you. :P
I didn't do it on purpose of course, I know that if I run around with a gun in my hand, I'll get in trouble; so I don't... generally speaking.
But the thing that struck me as odd, was that the gamblers attacked me right after the guards gave me a warning, and right before I had the chance to click the red button thingy to switch... THAT'S where the evilness of the scheme lies... It was all a set-up! I've been framed!
I am sure the dead souls of the people you slaughtered are laughing at your expense, due to their sucess in the master plan: OPERATION - LETS GET THE DUDE TO KILL US.
Its sooooo good to be bad in Fallout. Shooting people in the groin, sledge hammering those nasty little children in the head or other places... Massacreing entire towns and doing Decker's jobs. By the way, I never turn on Decker, he's cool... ruthless but he pays well. Besides High Tower is a prick and the Children of the Cathedral are scum...

Hey, its a big bad wasteland out there man.
Carib FMJ said:
I never turn on Decker, he's ruthless but he pays well.

You say that like being ruthless is a bad thing. What's wrong with being ruthless? Only the weak feel pity or remorse. Anyhoo as to the original question, no you aren't bad, killing people is fine. I generally don't advocate killing people unless necessary, but the people who attacked you were wrong, you were trying to put your weapon away, and Killian deserved a chunk of hot lead in his skull for not letting you fight in self defense. To quote myself "Some people just need to be shot"
clercqer said:
But it's not just that, I also found out I take great pleasure to shoot people in the groin... To the amount that I'm ALWAYS shooting people in the groin now, whenever there are people that need shootin'...

Hehe, I always do that too. There's something so much more satisying about it than eye or head shots, especially when you finally knock someone over with one or cripple them there. The messages are great too, along the lines of "the pain is too much for him and he collapses clutching his crotch in agony". I always wished you could get some special reputation title for it and have enemies comment on it in the floating text.