Dog buys stuff on Xbox 360

I can't imagine the number of children that are also making unwarranted purchases through a console online.

Still the chances of this happening are astronomically high. I'm surprised.
This "news report" is pure BS.

Any sorry twat can claim their 15' of fame by showing off a chewed gamepad and say "my dog bought 5000 microsoft points lol! and unlocked some GTA achievements, too! but i was sleeping and didn't take video, pictures, or any other kind of proof lol".

FOX news filling up some TV time, 's all.
Yeah really, most likely story is the guy got stoned or drunk, bought a bunch of crap, got mad the next day from wasting money, and made up a BS story over it to try and get some short-lived fame.
Perhaps the dog is sick and tired of his owner playing such a terrible system, and took it upon himself to destroy it. Nice little puppy.
Consoles have been getting more and more casual gamers playing for a while now..

First they went at the fratcore and then the soccer moms and now the dogs...

i am just glad that cats are PC gamers..


See? Prrof that Cats are more intelligent!
Tycn said:
So this isn't just some metaphor for the Xbox playerbase?
I dunno. PC players can be pretty stupid too. Like any online game ever. Or their tendency to bitch about shit nobody cares about (like dedicated servers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2).

I call BS on this story. I just can't see it happening.
OakTable said:
I call BS on this story. I just can't see it happening.

why? why would someone make this story up? and have you ever owned a dog? my familys old dog broke one of our NES controllers by chewing on it when he was a puppy. I'm not one bit surprised if something like this happened.
aenemic said:
OakTable said:
I call BS on this story. I just can't see it happening.

why? why would someone make this story up? and have you ever owned a dog? my familys old dog broke one of our NES controllers by chewing on it when he was a puppy. I'm not one bit surprised if something like this happened.
I can believe he chewed the controller up, I just can't belive he did it in such a way that he got to the purchase XBL points sheet and bought the highest amount of points it could.
You guys should see my new kitten I got recently.
Once he was on my desk at my PC and I went of the room for a brief minute, when I came back he's put Duke Nukem 3D on and was running into a wall on the first level.


Trampling on the keyboard. :)