

First time out of the vault
Sorry if I missed this topic somewhere else, but I did a search and couldn't find it here, or anywhere else on the internet for that matter. Anyways:

[spoiler:5b65e00f8d]I just learned that Dogmeat can be found in the Scrapyard by the town of Minefield, fighting (and killing) a few raiders. Way towards the beginning of my game (about 28 hours of playtime ago), I stumbled across the Scrapyard on my way to completing the landmine quest for the survival guide. I didn't go in, and I didn't fight the raiders there. Just now, having heard Dogmeat was there, I teleported right there and found several dead raider bodies, but no Dogmeat. Did I do something wrong? Once you find the Scraypard, do you have a timer to speak to Dogmeat or you miss including him in your party, forever? Is there a chance that he just wandered off into the wilderness and I have to find him now or something, or am I just out of luck? [/spoiler:5b65e00f8d]

Thanks very much for the help. Again, sorry if someone asked this question before, I couldn't find any mention of it. [/spoiler]
yeah, he's supposed to be close to those dead raiders. so if you don't see him in the scrapyard, he's lost.
thats where dogmeat is? wow thats shocking, about the only area i skipped going into so far, no wonder i didnt find him
This is news, never found that damn NPC. I'm sure he would have been more interesting than the rock-like NPCs you get to follow you.
you dont even need a tail...just get action boy, grim reaper spirit and sniper with the androids plasma rifle and your pretty much a one man team....
Jehricho's an okay teammate, and the ghoul from underworld (Charon I think his name was) is a bit better, but really I just think most teammates get in the way so I really don't want dogmeat in the first place.
The only one I had was Chastity? I don't think thats her name, but you get her from Paradise Falls. She is damn handy with the Terrible Shotgun. But once I ran out of ammo to give her, and the fact she bitched and complained all the time, she just became another reason for me to have 3 less bullets in my inventory. If you catch my drift. ;)
as far as I know, teammates have infinite amounts of ammo.

plus the good supermutant (fawkes or somethin) is a one-man army himself.
Well that girl didnt have inf ammo, she used all the shotgun shells i gave her, then pulled out a knife, and became an obstacle to my sniper rounds.
Thanks folks!

Sorry that I posted it in the wrong forum, I thought I had it right.

BTW, is the android's plasma rifle any different than the ones you can pick up off enclave flunkies? I 'solved' the android quest by tricking the doc' into thinking the android was dead, and I never went through all the hassle of tracking the android down. Mistake?
The reward you get for helping the bad guys find the android is worth it I think.
[spoiler:b2098d4517] You get a free perk that ups your VATS % [/spoiler:b2098d4517]
Ah well, thanks.

I'll have to turn Bladerunner in my next playthrough when I try the evil side of things. I'm curious to see what happens when I detonate the Megaton nuke...

I had imagined that the entire town's map would be replaced with a huge, smoking crater. Blarg.

Thanks though.
Oh, it is replaced with a crater, but instead of a house with a robot butler, you get a hotel suite with a robot butler.
I don't quite understand. Where is the hotel/suite located? Not in the ruins of Megaton I take it, right?