Don't you want to be a Republican

My God, it's like an animated Fark political thread, but without the humourous internet cliches.
John Uskglass said:
It's funny how people can believe that one American political party is intrinsically better then the other.

Yes, that silly "lesser of two evils" thing... :)
Roshambo said:
Yes, that silly "lesser of two evils" thing... :)


Honestly though, the two parties are far too diverse to make a Democrat better then a Republican in any situation. A Democrat may actually by a Social Democrat, a Republican might actually bust Trusts, protect the Enviorment and put America on the road to Superpowerdom.
Wooz said:
And a panda bear can ride a bumper car.

No, really.


Wat 'chu talkin' 'bout, Mr. Wooz?
OMG someone just hotlinked a 264 kB image. Clearly there is still evil in the world.

The Republicans under Roosevelt! Almost a century ago! What are you going to do next, post a picture of French revolutionaries?
Dude. Roosevelt was aeons ago. What you're looking for is the Republican party's evolution since circa 1968.

The Commissar said:
Stop taking things out of context, you souless minion of Orthodoxy
I doubt that Teddy Roosevelt would have anything to do with the Republican party of today.

Edit: damn you and your quick typing Wooz!
And how far ago did you have to go to pull that out, John?

And how much has the Republican party changed since then, including the ironic note that it was originally the party of anti-slavery activists? Yeah, that really sounds like the current GOP. :)
Democrats, Republicans. All shall tremble before the might of the one, the only, Boromir Captain of Gondor!

Vote Boromir II for Dark Lord 2008.

(Yes, I'd like to blow the horn of Gondor please)
And how far ago did you have to go to pull that out, John?
How far does one have to go to find a great American president, period? Would you call Clinton, Bush Ist, Carter or anyone else 'great'? I personally think Reagan was okay, but I seem to be in a minority there.

And how much has the Republican party changed since then, including the ironic note that it was originally the party of anti-slavery activists? Yeah, that really sounds like the current GOP.
To be fair, the Republican party has not done much changing. It's the world and the Democrats that have changed.

Also, I doubt the Abolitionists and the Roosevelt 'Imperialists' would have much to argue with some elements of the Neocon Republican party.
To be fair, the Republican party has not done much changing. It's the world and the Democrats that have changed.

*roaring applause*
John Uskglass said:
Also, I doubt the Abolitionists and the Roosevelt 'Imperialists' would have much to argue with some elements of the Neocon Republican party.

Sure, if they traveled in time and were kept in complete ignorance of how different the world is now.
John Uskglass said:
How far does one have to go to find a great American president, period? Would you call Clinton, Bush Ist, Carter or anyone else 'great'? I personally think Reagan was okay, but I seem to be in a minority there.

Currently, the Republican party has been winning the count of shit stains on the Constitution.

To be fair, the Republican party has not done much changing. It's the world and the Democrats that have changed.

That's the best Bush-ism I've heard all year. Amusingly self-defeating and still yet missing the point.

Also, I doubt the Abolitionists and the Roosevelt 'Imperialists' would have much to argue with some elements of the Neocon Republican party.

Of course, those factions might very well enjoy it in the same way they enjoyed the ethnic cleansing to otherwise expand the country. Republicans were actually about domestic freedoms then and civil liberties, which seems to be a four-letter word to the GOP now. Earlier Republicans were only about raping other people for the US, not for raping the US' own citizenry for more profit.

I think that is the point they would find most distasteful, and certainly wouldn't agree with it. Remember, they were about strengthening a nation, not skullfucking it for a quick personal buck.

The party's western agrarian radicals and eastern upper-middle-class reformers became more prominent after 1896. The latter tendency was most clearly exemplified by President Theodore Roosevelt who identified the Republicans with the cause of progressivism—in particular the idea of a vigorous executive regulating the economy and society in the public interest. The 1912 election (when Roosevelt emerged from retirement to challenge his successor, William Howard Taft) demonstrated the factional divisions within the Republican party. Western agrarian progressivism was represented by the candidacy of the radical senator from Wisconsin, Robert M. La Follette, the more urbane progressivism of the East by Roosevelt, and the party's conservative business mainstream by President Taft. In disgust at Taft's renomination, Roosevelt bolted from the Republicans and launched his own Bull Moose candidacy, thereby guaranteeing defeat for the gop.

The amusing thing is - Roosevelt founded the Progressive party - as distant from the current incarnation of the GOP imaginable.

The more you know!
Yeah.... CCR I hate to tell ya, but somewhere in the 1960-70s the Republican Party made the big switch from the Party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt to something else.

And you're right to say that the Democratic Party did change- from one based on notions of state's rights towards more progressive national government (somewhere during the 1930s - New Deal and into the 1960s with the Great Society).

Not sure how you think Reagan was such a champion- considering the Arms-for-Hostages and the "Contras-Freedom Fighters" stuff. Reagan gets all the good PR for upscaling the military.. a policy began under Carter. You give him credit for ending the Cold War... but using a policy begun under Truman. That plus huge budget deficits, that eventually ruined Bush 1-- this is a great president?

I like Teddy R too. But Wilson wasn't such a bad president, nor was Truman- at least based on Reagan standards.

And to be fair Clinton was a better conservative republican than W is.
welsh said:
Not sure how you think Reagan was such a champion- considering the Arms-for-Hostages and the "Contras-Freedom Fighters" stuff. Reagan gets all the good PR for upscaling the military.. a policy began under Carter. You give him credit for ending the Cold War... but using a policy begun under Truman. That plus huge budget deficits, that eventually ruined Bush 1-- this is a great president?
Nobody "ended" the Cold War. Collapse of the communist block and USSR specifically was inevitable, because a mastodontic inefficient system can only sustain itself for so long.

CCR, you want to thank someone for the end of the Cold War? Thank Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorby.