Doom 4?

Haha, yes, the flashlight issue was very silly, but I suppose they wanted to scare people with creepy buggers jumping out at you from walls.
I think that what broke Doom 3 a little to me was the "No Duct Tape on Mars" problem. I mean, it's the future! Can't you guys make shoulder lights or light in a gun? Or use duct tape? Asides from that, it was a solid shooter. I think we had too few enemies, though. We could've used more enemies.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I think that what broke Doom 3 a little to me was the "No Duct Tape on Mars" problem. I mean, it's the future! Can't you guys make shoulder lights or light in a gun? Or use duct tape? Asides from that, it was a solid shooter. I think we had too few enemies, though. We could've used more enemies.

More obese zombies.
If id follows up on the twin abominations of Doom 3 and Quake 4, Doom 4 is gonna fail, hard.

Seems id is tumbling down a downward slope for some time now, and i really wish they would make something worthwhile out of it, but considering their record since RTCW went out, ain't much likely.
maybe the success of ET:Quake Wars will make them try something new

i know they didnt make it but they kinda .. helped it along ...
Rage still sounds awfully sweet :)

as for doom 4 - first realistic thoughts would be:
- a next tech game
- wide open spaces of mars terrain over which you travel via some sort of vehicles, battle out huge monsters and travel from base to base
- with wide open spaces prolly comes numerous enemies - swarms and stuff while bases will be as crammed as ever
- a bit more story to it
- a bit more realistic

- open terrain multiplayer with deathmatch & capture the flag
radnan said:
as for doom 4 - first realistic thoughts would be:
- a next tech game

Doom 3 had revolutionary graphics. Unless they pull a crysis-killing engine out of their asses, expecting that again isn't realistic. I doubt they'd touch anything crysis-level with a ten foot pole, as we've all seen how badly crysis' sales suffered because of the retarded system requirements.

- wide open spaces of mars terrain over which you travel via some sort of vehicles, battle out huge monsters and travel from base to base

I can't envision player-driven vehicles ever being in doom, it just doesn't fit with the series.

- with wide open spaces prolly comes numerous enemies - swarms and stuff while bases will be as crammed as ever

Sounds like Serious Sam to me. I doubt we'll be seeing huge areas that aren't populated by an equally huge bosses in D4. I can't see huge swarms of enemies either.

- a bit more story to it

In my opinion, Doom 3 had an excellent implementation of the story. It gave hardcore shooter fans enough motivation through cutscenes to stave off the impression that they were just mindlessly running through corridors.

At the same time, it gave players who wanted more from the story exactly that: by absolutely carpeting every level with audiologs (system shock) which allowed players several different viewpoints of what had happened, and quite a bit of backstory on all of the crew members.

Story wasn't spoon fed to the player by bottlenecking levels into forced npc interaction (half life). It was all laid out for you, and you could pick through it at your leisure.

- a bit more realistic

The series isn't exactly renowned for its realism. D3 took it to a very acceptable level as far as enemy damage was concerned. Taking it up another notch wouldn't really be fun. I can't see myself wanting to play Operation Flashpoint where russians are replaced by flying skull demons and imps.

- open terrain multiplayer with deathmatch & capture the flag

That would be nice, although I'd much rather have a solid single-player game that left the multiplayer to real MP games, instead of half-assing it in both departments (crysis).
Well quake 4 had some vehicles tho badly integrated (and quake 1 to 3 didn't) - also the Rage presentation featured a race track - so i think there's a pretty good chance of vehicles appearing (walkers, buggies, tanks)

I think you are right with the multiplayer - half assed would be bad

either go all deathmatch CPMA style
or all objective ETQW style
Story wasn't spoon fed to the player by bottlenecking levels into forced npc interaction (half life). It was all laid out for you, and you could pick through it at your leisure.

Uh what? 90% of the story in Half-Life is told through the environment, not NPCs (or badly written audiologs).
I'm talking about HL2+. You are correct about the original, most npc interaction was "o hai can u push this buttonz?".

HL2, EP1, EP2 all forced the player to sit through long, drawn out dialogs with npcs. For me; this took me out of the experience, and made it feel like I was 'playing' a movie (MGS:2).
What I said is true for all the parts in the series.

Also, you must be joking. Or not played HL2. The cutscenes and essential Codec conversations in MGS2 alone are SIX HOURS LONG while the ENTIRE HL2 speedrun caps at a single hour.
I'm not talking about speed runs, but as long as we're on that topic: MGS2 has been done in 1 hour 37 minutes on extreme difficulty without any discoveries or saves. That doesn't negate the fact that many people came off feeling like they just played through a semi-interactive movie.

I'm simply relaying how I experienced the game. Merely an opinion.

To me, the numerous awkward semi romantic scenes felt forced, and had me sitting there twiddling my thumbs until Alyx stopped bitching and went back to being an invulnerable-talking-zombie-killing turret with tits.
Oh I'm normally a total softy when it comes to romantic crap like that (ex: FF series). Something about Alyx totally grates me the wrong way though.