Dr. Strangelove


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
The other day I was watching the Staley Kubrick film "Dr. Stangelove. Or: How I learned to stop worring about the nuclear bomb and started loving it." (Amusing title. Isn't it?) starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott. And I began to think of the similarities that Fallout had with tis movie. And I found the fallowing:

-The music
-World nuclear destruction
-The preservation of human lifes in underground refuges
-The epoch ambientation
-The sarcasm
-The irony

For those that have seen the movie: Do you agree? Did you found anything else?
Weird, I just watched it again last night. Fallout is definitely very reminiscent of it, right down to the style of the theme song ("We'll Meet Again").
Don't forget Slim Pickens. I think there's a reference to him (his name) in one of the Fallouts (shopkeeper or something?).
I think there's a merchant in the Hub that goes by that name, but wasn't it Slim Picketts or something along those lines in the game?
it's obvious that the game and the movie have the same mindset.

love em both.

maybe Troika should go talk to Kubrick and ask to makea post strangelove game? ;)
Are you suggesting that the staff of Troika are necromancers? Kubrick is rather dead you know.
yes, Kotario that was what i meant (ToEE, Arcanum, huge DnD fans,... hint hint). i am far too well aware that Stanley is pushing up daisies...

anyhow, maybe i should've elaborated on that, but i was under the impression that you NMA fellowz were resourceful enough to work it out yourself (which turned out to be correct).

was kinda picturing the first encounter with the necromancers under Tarant, with the old dead guy in his chair being Kubrick. the other necros being his heirs. maybe the Troika crew could also steal a piece of paper with the rights to the movie & stuff, you know (after pulling his soul back to this world of course) :)
alec said:
Don't forget Slim Pickens. I think there's a reference to him (his name) in one of the Fallouts (shopkeeper or something?).

I think you mean one of the shopkeepers in Shrouded Hills, in Arcanum.
Jebus said:
I think you mean one of the shopkeepers in Shrouded Hills, in Arcanum.

We are talking about similarities/references between Fallout and Dr. Strangelove, Jebus, not between Arcanum and Dr. Strangelove. :roll:

But you're right: there is a Slim Pickens in Shrouded Hills.

There's one in Fallout as well, but the name is just a little different (like Ashmo said: it's Slim Picketts or something). Can anyone confirm if you can find him in the Hub?
i wanted to go see, but apperantly my CAT9 beta drivers dont allow me to play the game atm...

anyhow, my guess would be he is the midget in the Hub general store...

There is however a guy, the head of Trapper Town, Klamath, in Fallout 2 who goes by the name "Slim Picket".
That's a roger, it is the guy that has the key to the barricaded part of trappertown, the one filled with rats. Rats! Rats everywhere!

Anyways, going back to the movie, I think that the theory of a Doomsday machine is very interesting. There is a part when G. C. Scott character tells the russian embassador that the radiation from the nuclear bombs would dissipate in two weeks max, but the embassador replies that the bombs had something called Cobalt Torium G, or how what I think it was called, that would make the radiation last 93 years, something like how long the Fallout vaults where supposed to stay closed. Besides i can't possibly think of someone being neither so son of a hmph... or so stupid to destroy the entire world just like that.
Well, the Doomsday weapon is actually a valid idea, if not a practical one. By threatening the entire world, you ensure that no one would attack your country.

Ashmo, no need to take that tone with me. If I failed to understand SuAside’s stab at humor, that is due more to his haphazard typing style than a failure on my part.
Jabbapop said:
nu-uh! Kubrick isn't dead! He just made that AI movie a few years back! ;)

Considering that "Eyes Wide Shut" was released post-mortem, something about that strikes me as weird.