Drug Use


NPR is doing a series on the use of Heroin in the US. Back when I was in highschool it was mostly pot and coke. Pot was still big, but coke was popular at parties, and some of the girls would do lines in the bathroom between classes. While a lot of people exprimented, there was still a pretty hard core group of "heads."

What's the story now? What drugs are being used in school?

From NPR-
"Cheap and very pure heroin is creating a growing addiction crisis across America. Heroin -- much of it from Colombia -- is replacing crack cocaine as the drug of choice, particularly among the young. In Massachusetts, for example, more than 4 percent of high school boys report having used heroin.

Today's epidemic is different than the one that infected many urban communities in the 1970s. Heroin is pure enough to snort these days, and younger people are getting into it. In the Boston area, the number of 18 and 19 year olds seeking emergency-room treatment related to heroin use doubled between 2000 and 2002."

The stuff is incrediably cheap, but I thought we had moved past Heroin years ago.

Anyway, here is the article and you can download the reports-
Heroin? Most people in my school 'do' drugs, but I think people who take heroin are looked down on for being smack-heads.

Pot, booze, cigs, shrooms and lsd when you can get hold of them are 'allowed' though.
One of the best places for 'shrooms was off the coast of Thailand. Beautiful tropical beaches, you could get a hut for a couple of bucks, food for less, topless chicks and 'shrooms. It's probably gone all commercial now.

If ever in the neighborhood- Ko Samui.

(APTYP- yes, I know- "welsh is a hippy"... if only.)
LOL, at my High School, this one guy sold catnip, passing it off as pot. I heard he has a criminal record that actually says "Trafficking cathip". This other guy got so high once that he tried to sell pot to the principal!

One guy lit up some pot on my bus while we were going home a couple weeks ago. Everyone could smell it. People litteraly opened every single window of the bus within the same 10 seconds. Man did it stink.

So yeah, pot is REAL big at my school, but I've never seen any other drug. Allthough there probably are other drugs floating around...

PS. I've never actually tried the stuff.

EDIT: In May of 2001 one day, there was a freak snowstorn the night before, and our bus couldn't get up a hill because it was so slippery. 90% of the bus left, but I stayed, and so did a kid who lit right up in the back. It was cold so I guess his pipe kept him warm.
Dove said:
bob_the_rambler said:
here in AZ the main drug is pot.....and shit loads of it
Yeah, it's everywhere here. And cheap too.

Unfortunately I went to the rich bitch high school, and people were into cocaine and pills there... They ran rampant. Hell, even my own brother tried to feed me shrooms once. I don't ever remember hearing anything about herione, though. That's one that I would remember hearing about.

*random thought* I had a headache one day at work, and my manager offered me a mysterious pill... wouldn't tell me what it was... I turned it down. I don't even want to know what it was...
Coffee: Strange, but true.
Thinking that I study in an Arts School (Faculty of Fine-Arts of Porto’s University) the only drug the majority abuses is coffee and other caffeine related products.
Second most used is tobacco.
The third is probably alcohol.
And after that it’s probably cannabis… but in a very very very small minority of the school students.

The drug related problem in Portugal is reasonably controlled, mostly since it’s unfashionable the use of heavy drugs.
Light drugs (pot cannabis, marijuana and maconha) on the other hand are commonly used. Lol, still remember getting out of my tent in a rock summer festival and the smell was all over the air…on the outdoor! In the middle of a forest! And you could get high just by standing there…

But I have nothing against light drugs like pot, especially since they have less bad consequences then alcohol… And I’m in favour of legalizing it here, with marked conditions of course (only to be used in accordable locations, etc…)

Of course retarded people still use pills like ecstasy and other crap in discothèques.

Me? I don’t drink smoke or do drugs… I get my kicks elsewhere…
Here in Sweden it's quite a different situation. I left our equivalent of high-school a bunch of years ago, but according to my 17 year-old nephew it's about 95% alchohol (something like 20% of that is moonshine or bad East-bloc stuff), 4% pot and 1% the rest. Those are figures he drew out of his ass, but it's a rough estimate at least. And that's pretty close to what it has always been here, I think anyway.
Sweet Mary Jane is what the boys are making love to if that's what you want to know.

Welsh, wasn't someone you had an intimate relationship with from Thailand or something? Or am I on crack?

I recentally read in the paper that there has been a big jump in Meth sales.... not quite on top of it though. I don't really like to swallow stuff, I'm more of an inhaling man.
Alcohol and Marijuana are definitly the biggest drugs around in my neck of the woods. Other drugs like coke, herion, and shit are really looked down upon, cause they just fuck the shit out of your life and leave it to rot on the curbside.
BTW, i think Marijuana should be legal. It would like put the cigarette companies out of business.
Marijuana is HUGE in BC - we also have the most potent stuff in North America (this is *apparently*, don't freak out at me if I'm wrong). The Americans are after us for trafficking.

But in Richmond, we have a large raver community, and therefore ecstacy is also quite rampant. And some of my classmates were doing cocaine by the end of my highschool year.

Those are the three biggies that I know of. The other drugs are used, but not as commonly.

Though the latest trend is to mix ecstacy and viagra - apparently you'll have the best sexual experience of your life, but it could kill you. Guess you'd die happy. ;)
calculon00 said:
Marijuana is BC's biggest agricultural export.

It's estimated ('estimation' being the only way possible to gauge) to be one of the biggest agricutural cash crop in the US. It produces more revanue per pound than any other crop.
crack kills.

Actually I had an ex-fiance in Singapore, but it was my sikh friends who tried to get me to go to Ko Samui. They figured I could make the moves on the australian/euro chicks and they could score the mushrooms.
Katja said:
Though the latest trend is to mix ecstacy and viagra - apparently you'll have the best sexual experience of your life, but it could kill you. Guess you'd die happy. ;)
I heard a horror story about this. A friend of a friend did that, and the hard-on would never go away. He had a hard-on for more than a week when it started hurting too much and he had to go to the doctor. The only solution was to bleed it... I guess that's enough to deter anyone from trying it... :)