Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

anyone who says things like:
"pot doesnt kill people"
are... idiots.
AIDS/HIV causes no damage to any internal organs that causes them to fail. all it does is destroy white blood cells, the bodies defense against infection/invasion.
if you think pot doesnt kill people, then you must admit that AIDS/HIV does not kill people. just like actively using pot does not kill you ( unless its like a collapsed lung from bong hits ), AIDS/HIV "kills" in the same vein, not overtly, but simply by being there.
if you think pot does not kill people, then you must admit that LSD does not kill people as well. LSD is another "passive" drug that causes no overt damage to the body ( other than the permanent buildup of LSD in the spinal column ) so you would have to admit LSD also does not kill anyone.
if you think pot does not kill people, then you must also admit that unless a death from alcohol was caused by failing liver or kidneys, alcohol was not the cause of their death.
the belief "pot doesnt kill people" is ONLY even remotely true if you believe that anything you do while under the influence of a MIND ALTERING DRUG is not the cause of the drug.
guy gets high on pot, then drives from his home to his girlfriends house, while driving hits and kills a family of 4 in their car. pot did not kill the other family, the driver did.
guy gets drunk off alcohol, then drives from his house to his girlfriends house, while driving hits and kills a family of 4. alcohol did not kill the other family, the driver did.
50 year old guy has HIV/AIDS and is constantly getting hospitalized for medical problems. one time he gets a really bad case of penumia and the hospital is unable to cure it. he subsequently dies while the person next to him without HIV/AIDS but the same penumia makes a full recovery. HIV/AIDS did not kill the guy, penumia did.
"pot doesnt kill people"
are... idiots.
AIDS/HIV causes no damage to any internal organs that causes them to fail. all it does is destroy white blood cells, the bodies defense against infection/invasion.
if you think pot doesnt kill people, then you must admit that AIDS/HIV does not kill people. just like actively using pot does not kill you ( unless its like a collapsed lung from bong hits ), AIDS/HIV "kills" in the same vein, not overtly, but simply by being there.
if you think pot does not kill people, then you must admit that LSD does not kill people as well. LSD is another "passive" drug that causes no overt damage to the body ( other than the permanent buildup of LSD in the spinal column ) so you would have to admit LSD also does not kill anyone.
if you think pot does not kill people, then you must also admit that unless a death from alcohol was caused by failing liver or kidneys, alcohol was not the cause of their death.
the belief "pot doesnt kill people" is ONLY even remotely true if you believe that anything you do while under the influence of a MIND ALTERING DRUG is not the cause of the drug.
guy gets high on pot, then drives from his home to his girlfriends house, while driving hits and kills a family of 4 in their car. pot did not kill the other family, the driver did.
guy gets drunk off alcohol, then drives from his house to his girlfriends house, while driving hits and kills a family of 4. alcohol did not kill the other family, the driver did.
50 year old guy has HIV/AIDS and is constantly getting hospitalized for medical problems. one time he gets a really bad case of penumia and the hospital is unable to cure it. he subsequently dies while the person next to him without HIV/AIDS but the same penumia makes a full recovery. HIV/AIDS did not kill the guy, penumia did.