DVD/Blu-Ray Collecting


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
So this thread is not about the movies in particular per say as much as people who enjoy building a movie collection. Does anyone else do this? I have around, 400ish so far and sometimes I just go on a binge where I will buy six or seven at a time. Only to watch them once and than throw them on the shelf, not to be touched again for months if not longer.
Something about the "idea" of them being there and seeing them on the shelf makes me feel better. Even if at times it is a bit sickening when I look at the wall and think about how much money I have thrown into something that gets so little use yet brings me such joy when organizing and looking at them.

Does anyone else share a movie collecting passion?
My movie collection scares me at times, I actually have a catalog system in place for my movies, and so far with the addition of iron man two I have 80 blue-ray 800 DVD's and about 1500 VHS taps, 200 of which are black and white.
I have loads of DVDs, but nothing as monstrous as you guys - I buy only good movies on good offers (the selection narrows down a lot that way). Somehow I still prefer to go to the nearby DVD-rental place and spend a few minutes selecting something - that way I always end up with something fresh.

Used to have shitloads of VHS tapes when I lived the student life in England. Every week I'd bring home at least 5 new classics from charity shops, for 50p a piece. Van Damme, Ahnald, Stallone...

I have never bought and never will buy a Blu-Ray, because I just can't support something that retarded.
If I see a movie that I really like, I usually buy the DVD. My DVD collection isn't that large, probably around 40.

The majority of movies I own are silent movies; I'd say probably around 70 to 80%. Most of the movies are pre-1955. I don't think I own a movie that was made in this century... wait, I have 2, but they were both gifts.

I own probably around 10 VHS tapes: Aliens, Predator, a few Charlie Chaplin movies (although I think I got rid of them, can't remember), and a couple Frank Sinatra ones (a movie, can't remember which, and a performance recording).
In 2004-2005 I went on a little bit of a collecting spree. Got a lot good movies and alot of bad ones. I realized I was just buying stuff I didn't like so got out of actively collecting. So now I only get a DVD when I like something and if I can find a good price on it. I buy far more TV DVDs than Movie DVDs.

I had to leave most of my collection at my parents house earlier this year when I went back to Uni. So I went through my collection and got most of my favourites so I still have a good selection of movies I can choose from at anytime.
Well John B. owned me. I can honestly say I am glad, when ever I get down about it thinking I am wasting money I always enjoy googling up some of the crazies who are pushing five thousand+ and I don't feel so silly anymore.

I am trying really hard now to only buy movies I am really interested in. Sometimes it is hard to resist the "blind buy" especially when I see a Blu-Ray on a weekend sale for $10 at Best Buy when it is originally priced $25. I pretty much try to keep it around $10-12ish when buying movies. Older ones it is not hard to find deals around that price point and newer movies that sell normally for 25-30 on Blu-Ray I snag somewhere used like Half.com

How do you keep track of your collection John? I have been toying around with the idea of getting this: http://www.collectorz.com/movie/

I am messing around with the free trial at the moment and it is pretty nifty.
I just have a cataloging system, every time I take a movie out when I'm done with it I put it back in its place in the storage shelf, I have my computer rigged up to the shelfs so I know every time a movie gets removed from its shelf, but it is a slow process to add a new movie to the shelf it takes about an hour to get it into the catalog, but I find it well worth it to keep track of everything.
As a kid I had 100s of VHS tapes and was very happy with the collection. I would definitely use them too, I had a genuine desire to re-watch most of the movies I had. Same thing with cassettes .

Something like 10 years ago I came across a person (friend of a friend) who had the sort of collection John described with DVDs / CDs. I was very impressed and had plans of building my own collection.

But the last few years I have completely changed my mind on the whole thing. In fact, my goal now is to have as few physical things as possible especially when it comes to books, DVDs, CDs... It's not so much the money (although that's a big factor too) it's the space issue. It makes me sick to think of looking for storage space for these things and moving them in the future. I want to be as digital as possible, home server or just put plug in hard drives like pop tarts. But even that might be unnecessary, especially when I think of netflix (their ever expanding instant viewing collection), music sites like grooveshark/rhapsody, and kindles/nooks for reading.
John B. said:
I just have a cataloging system, every time I take a movie out when I'm done with it I put it back in its place in the storage shelf, I have my computer rigged up to the shelfs so I know every time a movie gets removed from its shelf, but it is a slow process to add a new movie to the shelf it takes about an hour to get it into the catalog, but I find it well worth it to keep track of everything.

Wow! Mine used to have some kind of crazy order I couldn't explain to anyone with out sounding crazy to even myself.