'E-DE, my love' problem

Alexander Strahan

First time out of the vault
So I got E-DE last night, the useful little floating bugger that he is. Problem is, I repaired him before talking to Nash (who runs Mojave Express).

Now, when I talk to Nash about E-DE and ask him what to do with it, he says "Well, there's gotta be someone out there who's interested in that kind of technologies". "E-DE my love" is not in my quest list, but somehow I have it - if E-DE dies, I receive a message that I have failed the quest.

Any idea what's going on here? Will I still be able to upgrade the bot?
Hrm ... the only way I ever fail it is when he dies in combat. However I have had a "failed" quest then somehow completed it and got the XP for it all ... My suggestion would be to get to NOVAC and head north to Gibson Scrap Yard there you with talk with Old Lady Gibson and ED-E should further the quest along. I always repair him before talking to Mr. Nash also.
it's effectively telling you that you failed the quest that you hadn't gotten yet.

this occurs kind of frequently (and annoyingly) if you go blazing guns and start blowing people away when you're frustrated... suddenly you'll blow away a quest related npc and it'll tell you that you failed at something you didn't know you were doing.

the first real entries in that specific quest line are triggered when EDE hears certain words spoken in dialogue while you are conversing with others.

you'll probably get the first quest marker at the gibson scrap yard like the guy above mentioned.
The quest will start later, as far as I know. If not by Nash, then it should as soon as the first message will be played.

The "quest failed" message always comes if you kill NPCs who have a quest assigned that you haven't done yet.
The way that I failed it(technically) was by going through all the dialogues with the people you're supposed to talk to before getting ED-E. The lady at Novac's scrapyard won't say the essential dialogue if you have already talked about everything with her before getting ED-E.
Upgrading him involves more problems anyway from what I've read.
I've done the same thing on my second playthrough. The quest will still start at the Scrapyard when the first message is played.
I have actually Killed Old Lady Gibson to get her Big Boomer before talking to her and I didn't fail the Quest ... I don't think you need ALL the people ...
I didn't officially fail it. I just couldn't get the right phrase from her, breaking the quest. But as I said, there are a lot of problems associated with upgrading him from what I've read. I doubt he'd be anymore valuable anyway unless you're playing hardcore.