Easter egg armor


First time out of the vault
I remember reading a quote on a forum (I can't even remember which one) which went something like this:

If children in Fallout 3 can't be killed, then the best armor in the game would be armor made out of children :P

This would be a funny (though pretty twisted) easter egg, if anyone can think of a way to do it.
childhood amata and butchs faces forming the left and right buttcheeks respectively
I'd like a mod in which i can skin children to make new armour (skill check). Is it possible?
Just make a second level of "Child at Heart" called "Child Skin Deep" and give it 100% damage resistance.

God, this is retarded.
Silencer said:
Just make a second level of "Child at Heart" called "Child Skin Deep" and give it 100% damage resistance.

Heh, this is Bethesda-Thinking. :lol:
There's a picture for this, I know it.

Edit: Found it.
So what happens if a car mode of FO3 kids hits a wall mode out of FO3 kids?

How about launching kids from the rock-it-launcher....