Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

@J_Fred: that's very nice. I don't mind your additions posted here.
Do you mind if I include some of your weapons in the main mod? I had a few icons from the past that I hesitated to include before (I always thought that there are already enough weapons in the game, and I didn't wanted to replace the old ones, because the mod was about making the old content work better rather than adding a lot of new stuff). Now I got to think about it again.
Do you think that it might be worth it to include crafting schematics from @J_Fred's additions for vanilla armor and weapons in the main mod?

The changes are pretty mild, and they provide an incentive to develop the Repair skill, which I feel is severely underused in the game.
I'm on board with those additions as well. I think if Algernon can make a turbo plasma rifle, then a Chosen One with science 120 and Repair 110 should be able to as well... with the right tools that is. Same goes for Hardened Power armor, Combat Armor Mk.II and Metal armor (both variants). The first two are improved upon base armors, while the metal armors by in-game description, are "crudely crafted" so why can the Chosen One not also craft them? That was my support for the mods.

Which brings me to my main issue with the current SAD : Metal Armor doesn't really fit there. It's homemade, why is it in a pre-war facility that hasn't been opened in 100 years? I stand by my critique. lol.

The only problem with my mods currently is that the .pcx images in Mr. Fixit are crude. They need to have a smoother background. I'm not a photoshop guy so I'm not sure how to go about that.
Which brings me to my main issue with the current SAD : Metal Armor doesn't really fit there. It's homemade, why is it in a pre-war facility that hasn't been opened in 100 years? I stand by my critique. lol.
Really need to think about it. The reason we added it was to make SAD loot not so OP and to give you an appropriate tool against Salvatore's (combat armor is more powerful than Metal mk2 in general, but it's relatively weak against laser which Salvatore's use).

The only problem with my mods currently is that the .pcx images in Mr. Fixit are crude. They need to have a smoother background. I'm not a photoshop guy so I'm not sure how to go about that.
You don't really need Photoshop for this. Only any proper tool which can extract BMP from FRMs without color loss (which I had trouble finding on my own though), then just replace background with solid color rgb(40, 40, 40), save as PCX and you're set. New item images are different story though, you need PS to craft them in a first place :)

Important question: Does anyone use this mod on Windows XP SP1 or lower?
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I think Hakunin movie timers should be adjusted according to larger number of places to visit and quests. He shows up too early according to new pacing of the game. I need suggestions as to how much we should adjust those timers.
I was thinking about that yesterday. I started a new run, and unless you're powerplaying you are going to see his first movie before you even stumble near the GECK. And if you happen to make it to Vault 13 without the voice module, you're probably screwed if it's your first run through. Cause you'll either have to go to New Reno and cough up 1500-3000 bucks, or go all the way back to Vault City and steal one of their voice modules (which requires you to be a citizen - not an easy task). I personally have always thought the time limit was a bit harsh.

For the trouble I've also thought the experience for retrieving the Geck was a bit low. I think it's 4000 or so. At that stage in the game it may not even net you a level. But that's another discussion entirely.
No, I'm working very slowly on my TODO list, but also working on sfall which takes a whole lot of my time. I hope to release next version (of the mod) in next few days.
J_Fred you should consider putting your files (little things you did for Economy mod) elsewhere to download. I just cant download them for some reason.
Which files?

I should probably just make two mods. One for the crafting additions and the other for the weapons. But I've made so many weapons and modified them that I doubt classic Fallout fans would care for it... it's just too much, and even I will admit that. I think I've added/modded about 15 different weapons, mostly energy variants of sub machine guns and assault rifles. But the crafting additions (if phobos doesn't want to implement/improve/include them in his base mod) are something I could probably put together in a zip file.
New version is up:

- moved to latest sfall with new engine features (a lot of refactoring, something might broke)
- improved quality of trap explosion effects and spike trap kill animation
- fixed duplicate trap kill EXP bonuses and kill counter increments
- incendiary projectile weapons now inflict fire damage to secondary targets too
- strong single-shot energy weapons now spend more than 1 cell round for each shot
- slightly lowered armor piercing values for some ammo types
- reverted speed of travel through mountains to vanilla level (was lowered at some point, now I don't think this was a good idea)
- all hotkeys (crafting menu, set trap, party orders) now work without delays (you don't have to press and hold them now)
- you can now close crafting menu with Escape key
- added option to delay Hakunin dreams somewhat
- nerfed double-barrel shotguns: when duplet mode is installed (which is off by default now), vanilla base damage will be used;
still higher damage when duplet mode is disabled
- added optional AP requirement when using more than 2 drug items from inventory during combat
- added Traps and Barter skill books to the game
- doors to a bunch of loot at Bishop's club are better protected
- removed perk "Bonus rate of fire"
- no more free loot at Dr. Johnson (his stock is hidden just like any other merchant and he keeps an eye on his room)
- implemented robust code that fixes invalid ammo counts and calibers for all map objects (on first map enter)
- expanded melee (throwing, unarmed) combat by adding 4 new mid-game weapons (some craftable, some buyable, some can be found in the world)
- rebalanced some random encounters a bit (mainly to avoid instagib encounters in early game) and fixed several occasions of people unable to use their weapons (due to lack of animation)
- added more powerful shotgun shells to craft
- changed weapon destroy script - it works only for weapons listed in the INI (there were exclusion list before) and weapon destruction is shown in the message log

Link in the first post along with new mod description.
Just going to stop by and touch base. I haven't played the newest version yet (I think I'm 2 editions behind now). But the changes sound excellent.

I would still think adding more armor and weapon crafting would be a good thing, kind of like I was mentioning in earlier posts (Metal Armor, upgraded Combat Armor) and the upgraded variants of weapons (Laser Pistol, Plasma Pistol, .223 Pistol, Turbo Plasma Rifle) would be awesome. I have them modded in, but you do a much better job of it phobos, plus it's YOUR mod anyway! :)

Keep up the good work!
Thanks, but adding new armor crafting schematics means finding new teacher and finding meaningful crafting components. I haven't solved this puzzle yet :)
I have a few other ideas for the mod in the making, but the progress will probably be slow. It seems very few people play this so the motivation wasn't so good lately :) Also, I want to help out the guys with falltergeist. I really do believe in that project.
ahhh... that's a good point, as Balthas probably doesn't know how to do that. Maybe an old techie in the Abby that wants to pass on some secret information (going against the order)? That would make the Abby an even more interesting place. I don't know where else you would find someone with that knowledge, at least not offhand.

I will say that I have one issue with your latest update... removing the "Bonus Rate of Fire" perk seems odd. Would you mind walking me through why you decided to remove that perk?
ahhh... that's a good point, as Balthas probably doesn't know how to do that. Maybe an old techie in the Abby that wants to pass on some secret information (going against the order)? That would make the Abby an even more interesting place. I don't know where else you would find someone with that knowledge, at least not offhand.

I will say that I have one issue with your latest update... removing the "Bonus Rate of Fire" perk seems odd. Would you mind walking me through why you decided to remove that perk?

If it's an "issue" for you, don't turn it on. No one forces you... As to reasons - many people complained about it and I agreed, decreasing AP cost for ranged attacks quickly makes most weapons OP, especially pistols. In vanilla most pistols cost 5 AP per shot, so it was kind-a OK (for the most part), however to make pistols somehow different from rifles (so you can feel that you actually shooting pistol and not another rifle with different icon), I decreased their range and AP cost. I did the same for Turbo Plasma rifle. As a result, if you take certain trait and Bonus RoF perk, AP cost drops to crazy 2 AP per shot for those weapons, which makes them OP. So you have to make them either too week to use for normal game, or leave them OP with perks. Solution? Remove the perk.
What do you guys say to that:
There are Rangers in NCR and Vortis holding center. You help Rangers, they will show you how to make Combat Armor. You help Vortis to wipe Ranger safe houses (new quest with small single buildings in the middle of nowhere) and you get your Combat Armor schematic from one of this safe houses.
NCR Rangers are the first guys with Combat Armor you will meet. NCR looks technically advanced. There is a quest, that involves obtaining map for Vortis. This quest could easily go a little bit further. When it comes to helping Rangers, I never understood why they couldn't resolve the problem with slavers by them self. To make everything more logical, rearming Vortis guards with better equipment would be the best idea. Maybe it would be convenient to add few more guards. Slavery is a profitable business, always was. Or, lets say 3 encounters with guys armed to teeth, contracted by slavers. Thats it.
@Errebor: I like the way you think dude, keep ideas coming!
Sadly though, I need to play this game a little more in order to see if this will work and implement. OR, someone else willing to land a modding hand :)

For crafting system I also think to expand it by adding at least several new crafting component items (like metal plates for metal armor). Currently many components are not very logical and used for the sake of minimalism (to use existing items as much as possible), but there is a limit for everything :)
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