Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

Sniper rifle has short range penalty. I just checked. Do not care what is in the item specification. On short range I have 45% chance to hit with my 120 points in small guns. On long range I have 95% to hit as expected.

As for Bozar Cassidy can use it but it changes absolutely nothing. As said. Ammo expensive and unavalable before NCR. Casidy has strength of 6, meaning he cannot handle it properly without drugs (which he cannot use for most of the game) or without power armor (which he will not get until San Francisco). On top of that he has an impressive Big Guns skill of 0 :) (checked it with save game editor).

Ahahaha.... Bozar also has short range penalty. Just checked :).
And as for Cassidy he can equip Bozar but in a fight he does not shoot with it. Stands still with it or runs away.
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You need to actually check game files, though.

However, I think the sniper does count as a "scope range" weapon, which does give it short range penalties. However you'll need to check the files to be sure.

I would just add the ability to control your companions using the last sfall patch. I specifically haven't upgraded sfall because it did away with this, and I simply can't play Fallout 2 anymore without controlling my companions directly in combat.

Or, use burn's bad-ass mod (I use it for unlimited party members with 10 CHA), which will also fix this problem.

OR, just change the Sniper proto with F2wedit.

So many options!
Nah... you get me wrong. I will not do any of these. I played the mod. I liked it. I gave my 2 cents what I believe would make it even more enjoyable. That's it.
Ahahaha.... Bozar also has short range penalty. Just checked :).
And as for Cassidy he can equip Bozar but in a fight he does not shoot with it. Stands still with it or runs away.
You're right... I used the wrong folder to check. Well, one more thing to take care of in my mod.
And bozar indeed counts as a big gun, which I think is a bug in Ecco.
Is there any reason why Ecco is limited to RP only? What about UP, at least?
The reason is that I didn't played UP :D
EcCo (later versions) was designed to fix some issues introduced in RP, like crazy loot in new locations, etc. Because of this and difficulties with Fallout modding in general, making it compatible with UP will take a lot of time (basically rebuilding every single script, remaking map changes, configs, etc.). Sorry.
hi, could anyone please help me on how to apply this to other mod? (example fallout 2 megamod, fallout 1 fixt, or fallout 1.5) i know not all can be applied, but even just some part of it is okay, like nirran barter script is compatible with to other fallout 2 mod, etc
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hi, could anyone please help me on how to apply this to other mod? (example fallout 2 megamod, fallout 1 fixt, or fallout 1.5) i know not all can be applied, but even just some part of it is okay, like nirran barter script is compatible with to other fallout 2 mod, etc
Which parts to you want to apply?

I think barter mod can be installed just about anywhere (where sfall version is not too old) and customized via barter.ini (TOWNDEMAND and NPC sections are game-specific).
Basically you can apply any parts of the mod that is script based using the provided SSL sources.
For example, modified Mr.Fixit can be used with only glfixit script but in this case you can only access crafting menu via hotkey. Also you will need to modify Mr. Fixit config for your target game.
Some of the features are just single global script, but some are not. I planned to refactor the code and make it more modular using new sfall features whenever I got my hands on this mod again.
i really want to play other mod with the rebalanced economy and combat, but i understand that not all part can be applied

what i really like and think also needed in other mod are part that make the game a challenge like updated barter formula script, loot reduction (weapon, ammo, stimpack... maybe armor too), pack sizes of ammo, and tougher critters... how do i apply that parts to other mod?

or maybe the features that are single global script? so its not really hard to do and can applied to other mods (modular)
hi, when i check combat.ini i saw this lines

; set to 1 to enable reducing loot, 0 to disable
; set positive to reduce number of ammo (not including ammo loaded in guns) and/or drugs left in critters after death:
; 100 means remove all, 50 mean roughly 50% of ammo will be deleted, etc.

is that supposed to be like that? (this is the default value when i choose 75% reduced loot when installing this mod)
is that supposed to be like that? (this is the default value when i choose 75% reduced loot when installing this mod)
No, that's a bug with installer. Thanks for reporting.

Regarding using in other mods, if you don't know how to modify scripts, you can just use:
1) hs_barterprice.int script along with barter.ini for barter mod (remember to modify properly as mentioned in my previous post).
2) hs_ondeath.int along with combat.ini for reduced loot in dead bodies and other stuff (only the [ONDEATH] section will be used in this case).

Ammo pack sizes and tougher critters will be harder, because this involves editing prototypes directly and each game/global mod has its own set of prototypes, so you will have to redo the changes yourself to given mod or use some binary comparison tool to help you (if you know how to use such tool).

As a matter of fact, you can re-do ammo pack sizes feature quite easily. You will need F2wedit (awesome tool, btw!). Just modify all ammo (there shouldn't be more than 30-40 of those) with desired pack sizes, then install gl_update_map_objs_from_proto.int from my mod - it will check all maps on first enter and fix any inconsistency between prototype data and items in containers, NPC inventories and on the ground.
Phobos my man, thank you so much for this mod :) I know in ini file you wrote it says most crafting recipes are found in Northern cities. I've cleared everything above SF but only learned to craft several types of ammo. The only gun I can make is zip gun. I'm wondering if there's any place in game files or online I can find all crafting recipes & where to get them? If not, could you please tell me :o? plox <3?
I'm wondering if there's any place in game files or online I can find all crafting recipes & where to get them? If not, could you please tell me :o? plox <3?
All recipes are in data/text/english/dialogs/test0.msg. As to where to get them, you can ask Vic or here is a spoiler:
Mynoc in Arroyo (blades).
Trapper in Klamath (leather jacket).
Mom in the Den (food).
Smitty in the Den (explosives).
Balthas in Modoc (leather armor).
Skeeter in Gecko (ammo).
Dr. John in Redding (drugs).
Dr. Troy in Vault City (more drugs).
Mainframe in Vault City's Vault (electronics).
Vault 15 library mainframe (advanced electronics).
One more question for you Phobos. After poking around in dialogs/test0.msg everything pertaining to crafting looked quite intuitive. I got curious and added an entry for a Pipe Rifle to be crafted. Functionally it works in game :) I can customize Skill req., Tools & Materials needed etc.

Only problem is for the pcx image on MR FIXIT. I simply grabbed the pipe rifle image from Fallout Wiki, tinted the background the same colour as MR FIXIT screen background and converted back to pcx. However in game on the MR FIXIT I only got about 1/3 of the image and it's colors were inverted.

If you could please tell me how to get a proper pcx image for items I would really appreciate it! I'd like add anytime crafting recipes for a few other basic items in the future :)

Thanks again.
If you could please tell me how to get a proper pcx image for items I would really appreciate it! I'd like add anytime crafting recipes for a few other basic items in the future :)

Look at the line after the PCX file name:
{1403}{}{89060}  // THIS ONE

You need to write number = image_width * 1000 + image_height.
About the colors - did you save PCX file in 256 color mode? If I remember correctly, you don't need to use an actual Fallout pallette for PCX files, just convert to 256 colors with pallette integrated in the file (I use IrfanView to do that).
Ohhh ok, I appreciate the explanation man. I didn't convert to 256 colors :P I will change the image size in test0 and download IrfanView to edit my PCX.
phobos2077, are you still developing this mod?
I'm asking because I'm loving it so far! Game is much more complex and challenging now. I couldn't imagine a better enrichment for Restoration Project!

Some months ago I even recommended it to Polish Fallout community and was doing a letsplay (but my recording program broke so I stopped).
I'll try to popularize it more in the future. This mod certainly deserves publicity.

I'd love to see more content added in the future, but I don't know if you're planning to add more stuff.
I haven't finished the game yet; I'll try to post some feedback when I'm done.

EcCo is just awesome and I wanted to say thank you! Fallout 2 got a new life!:)
Sagez, wow that's unexpected. Thanks for kind words.

The mod is not being developed at the moment as I spend time on other projects, but I was planning to make bug fix release for some time.

What would you want/expect from new versions?