Ed Brown & All of US

Goweigus said:
how far into the movie was that part? 1/2? i remember it being about half way in...
I said multiple times in this thread that I had watched half an hour of the movie.

For fuck's sake, man, do you read anything I write in this thread?
Yes sorry, I assumed you had continued watching it.

And I guess... For fucks sake man watch the whole thing so you know what I am talking about and what it is about.

How can you have a truly informed opinion if you don't have both sides of the argument? Especially about a video this thread is about and is meant to be watched first.

See my side by watching the whole thing.
Gowegius, you better start using the god damn quote function, spell check button, and some goddamn punctuation and capitalisation. Your posts are hard to make out, and not just because they are retarded.

Consider yourself warned for the last time.
Goweigus said:
Yes sorry, I assumed you had continued watching it.

And I guess... For fucks sake man watch the whole thing so you know what I am talking about and what it is about.
No. I've read up on the arguments on both sides (because reading is a lot quicker and easier than to sit through that steaming pile of shit). And here's my conclusion: the movie is full of shit.
You may want to try that reading thing yourself, by the way, instead of lazily watching a video try and explain a single side of the argument to you.

Again: Bowling for Columbine comes to mind.

Goweigus said:
How can you have a truly informed opinion if you don't have both sides of the argument?
Oh sweet fucking irony, how I love you.
Goweigus said:
Especially about a video this thread is about and is meant to be watched first.

See my side by watching the whole thing.
I did. I watched all that crap where he tried to explain how somewhere 'source of income' is defined somewhere as being only from international sources. I watched him annoyingly cite, recite, and then recite another twenty the exact same bits of texts for half an hour. Then that section of the movie was finished and it went into some retarded semi-conspiracy. I stopped watching then.

Now, try to think about this: I watched *everything* that was relevant to the 'sources of income' you named. I then searched around to see the other side of the argument, found that and found it a whole lot more logical. I present that to you, and all you can say 'Just watch the movie lol!'

Give me a fucking break and answer the arguments. The movie does not go any deeper than that on that argument at all. It doesn't. Yet all you can say is 'go watch it!'
Perhaps I'll just have to come back to this thread a few days later cause it will take me a bit of time to re-watch it and write it all down.

There is a lot more to that movie than what is in the 1st half hour, this is starting to remind me of the court cases. It goes into i think 5 to 7 sections and the first 1/3rd of the movie covers a few parts, but it definitely picks up speed soon after that.

Would you be happier if I gave you the script/dialogue of the movie instead?

Goweigus wrote:

its in the law not to assume that anything is law unless Specifically said so, and that any doubt should go in regard to the citizen. So since the 1040 dosent tell me to include domestic income, shouldnt taht mean i dont have to include it cause it dosent specifically say so?

It says to include all income, and actually refers to several legal articles.

this one for example (sorry i have trouble sometimes getting the quoting thing to work right)
you can go deeper than just the first general reference to the meaning of income. Sure you have to include all income, but what does income really mean? Legalize can be tricky but there are numerous references and citations throughout law that show there are very many specifics about income according to the law.

Sorry I guess I really should go though the whole thing again and take notes and stuff, and come back after a couple days...

http://www.theft-by-deception.com/Taxable Income.pdf
That is essentially the text version of the movie, I prefer the movie cause it supports visual aid of where the laws come from (what codes and sections shown easily with cabinets and file folders and such)