Editing Arcanum


Vault Senior Citizen
Hey all, I know there are plenty of arcanum fans (or atleast liked arcanum) active here so I post this message here in hope someone has the answer.

I was wondering if someone knew how to edit items of arcanum. I know worldED has some options but they are lacking...

I want to change the duration of effect items. especially the necromizer.

Anyone have any idea if this is possible? If yes any idea how?

The people over @ terra-arcanum forums seem more undead the alive now :( So I thaught lets try NMA.
IIRC there's only one item editor for Arcanum - it was website based, but there was a compilable java version somewhere on internet. I'm not sure if it's still available.
I guess this was it, but it's no longer available...

Online Arcanum weapon editor ( Mod news )
posted by Saint_Proverbius on Mon 11 November 2002, 23:10:35
More info on Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

Green has made an online weapon editor for Arcanum, the CRPG that Troika turned out last year.

You edit the weapon to your specifications on the site, then click the button to download the new weapon. Complete instructions are provided on the site as to how you can put the weapon in the game.

While it may not be the ultimate editor ever made, it's still worth checking out even for novelty value.

Neat work, Green!

I remember using it, a very basic editor, but it worked pretty smooth.
Sorrow said:
I think I still have a source of it. I'm not sure how to run it though.

Ok. I found a compiled version on my comp, but it's not neccesary - I found a topic with both editor and instructions :) .
I hope it's going to help.

yea I found that topic as well. thanks for the help guys, I hope this tool lets me able to edit duration effects.

download the compiled Arcanumedit from me: http://uran.extra.hu/game/arcanumedit.jar

that file isn't available anymore :(

Is your compiled version an offline version Sorrow ?
I got it to work and it wasn't quite what I was looking for.
Its a weapon editor.

The only way to edit items would be via an hex editor.