Editing traits

Nirran said:
but editing existing traits cant be done with sfall currently
No, pelicano's answer was the correct one. Had anyone ever actually looked at the modders pack:

;Since traits need to be picked before any scripts run, they
; have an additional NoHardcode option in this file which can
; be used to remove their hardcoded effects
Jup, but I simply suck at doing this sfall scripting stuff. :P

/Edit: To be more clear, with what I have problems. You wrote "When adding extra perks to a mod, it's advisable to use the fake perk scripting functions rather than make modifications" so I didn't added my new perk via this file, but via script. I am using the example script in the modders pack. But none of my new perks show up, regardless of what requirements I give them.

/Edit²: Something else. Is it possible to use the perk "Skill1=x" and "Skill1Mag=y" stuff in traits also? I wonder if I can modify players stats with it as well. Then I would need not a single bit of script for my trait changes.
nevermind,pretty obvious

just disable the perk,then grant a fake_trait,not that hard,IM me i will help write it

I just tested the new perks stuff again and it just doesn't work. It doesn't even work in the example mods that come with the modders pack. Changing the description and stats of existing perks (via script) seems to work, but everything that has to do with adding a new fake perk, doesn't work for me. Am I the only one with that problem?

/Edit: I mean gltschardev2.ssl

/Edit²: Ok, I think I got it now.... gltschardev2 needs to be used *with* the other gltschardev... I alwas thought it's just a simple "this is version 1 and this is version 2"-thingy...
Would it be possible to add Night Person as a PERK so people who like it can edit it in with F2SE or something? Or maybe just a perk with min Lvl 1 and no other requirements?

Edit: oops, just read page 2 now...nevermind.
Bf109 said:
Would it be possible to add Night Person as a PERK so people who like it can edit it in with F2SE or something? Or maybe just a perk with min Lvl 1 and no other requirements?

Edit: oops, just read page 2 now...nevermind.

no but you can edit level requierments for night vision

edit : name this gl_whatever,compile and drop it in the scripts folder

procedure start;

procedure start begin
   if(game_loaded) then 
         set_perk_level(11, 1); //11 is night vision

these will allow manipulation of stock perks,i think this is a complete list

         set_perk_name(44, "Armorer");
         set_perk_desc(44, "You have mastered the art of repairing and assembling armor from vanquished foes. You are able to loot armor from enemies without a skill check.");
         set_perk_ranks(44, 1);
         set_perk_level(44, 21);
         set_perk_image(44, 101);
         set_perk_stat(44, 0); 
         set_perk_stat_mag(44, 0); 
         set_perk_skill1(44, 0); 
         set_perk_skill1_mag(44, 0); 
         set_perk_type(44, 0); 
         set_perk_skill2(44, 0); 
         set_perk_skill2_mag(44, 0); 
         set_perk_str(44, 0); 
         set_perk_per(44, 0); 
         set_perk_end(44, 0); 
         set_perk_chr(44, 0); 
         set_perk_int(44, 0); 
         set_perk_agl(44, 0); 
         set_perk_lck(44, 0);

Ravager said:
I can't script... I suck ass at it. Coould you do it? Or someone with experience?

It's for that mod I'm making.


If I'm counting 1 hex as 0-10 meters then a person (quite a fast one) should have like 1-1,5 seconds to get threw that distance.

Now you need about 3-5 seconds to draw and fire a gun. This is where the AP's come in.

If I make every gun use up to 3 AP's for a single shot the same AP's could be used to travel threw 3 hexes - 30 meters.

That's where Fast Shot and Bonus Rate of Fire start causing problems -> if anyone would pick them both then such a char would be using 1AP for every small gun or small energy weapon.

So you see one of them has to go right?

put this in Perks.ini,in ddraw.ini uncomment ;PerksFile=Perks.ini

Desc=This is an example trait

now the trait does nothing,then write a global script for the new trait,similar to this

procedure start;

procedure start begin
   if(game_loaded) begin
         if(has_trait(2,dude_obj,7)) and (get_sfall_global_int("replace0") == 0)then begin
            set_sfall_global("replace0", 1);
            set_fake_trait(char* name, int active(1 or 0), int image(from skilldex.lst), char* desc);

now need to set effects of new trait(or simple grant a vanilla)
,in a new script
procedure start;

procedure start begin
   if(game_loaded) begin
      /*depending what the trait does,you may need set_global_script_repeat(x); some number(this function sets how often sfall fires the script,if set to 0 it will fire once on game load,then turn itself off ,otherwise fires every x frames*/
   end else begin
   if(has_fake_trait("trait name[same as above]") > get_sfall_global_int("trait_01")) then 
         set_sfall_global("trait_01", get_sfall_global_int("trait_01", ) + 1);
         //add effects here	

pretty much it

edit : or do this to get rid of bonus rate of fire


procedure start;

procedure start begin
   if(game_loaded) then begin
         set_perk_name(7, "Bonus Rate of Fire");
         set_perk_desc(7, "");
         set_perk_ranks(7, 50);
         set_perk_level(7, 100);

Lexx said:
/Edit²: Something else. Is it possible to use the perk "Skill1=x" and "Skill1Mag=y" stuff in traits also? I wonder if I can modify players stats with it as well. Then I would need not a single bit of script for my trait changes.
No, that information doesn't exist in the traits table, so there's no way around scripting it. :(
Some time ago, Helios made skill formula changes for me with editing the fallout2.exe. So if you took trait x, the basic formular for skill y changed (the formular to calculate the very first skill %). Due to this, it was running straight in character creation. Pick the trait and skill % changed, etc. Very nice.

No chance to make something like this editable with sfall and without editing the exe file?
Lexx said:
Some time ago, Helios made skill formula changes for me with editing the fallout2.exe. So if you took trait x, the basic formular for skill y changed (the formular to calculate the very first skill %). Due to this, it was running straight in character creation. Pick the trait and skill % changed, etc. Very nice.

No chance to make something like this editable with sfall and without editing the exe file?
That's exactly what the traint_adjust_skill hookscript that nirran mentioned used to do. I had to remove it because it kept calling itself, and fallout scripts don't handle recursion too well, plus it didn't work properly at character generation anyway. I can replace it with something that isn't script based, and that will work for character generation, but I'm going to be away for a bit, so the next version of sfall isn't likely to be until october. Add it to the wiki so that I don't forget.
Timeslip said:
Lexx said:
Some time ago, Helios made skill formula changes for me with editing the fallout2.exe. So if you took trait x, the basic formular for skill y changed (the formular to calculate the very first skill %). Due to this, it was running straight in character creation. Pick the trait and skill % changed, etc. Very nice.

No chance to make something like this editable with sfall and without editing the exe file?
That's exactly what the traint_adjust_skill hookscript that nirran mentioned used to do. I had to remove it because it kept calling itself, and fallout scripts don't handle recursion too well, plus it didn't work properly at character generation anyway. I can replace it with something that isn't script based, and that will work for character generation, but I'm going to be away for a bit, so the next version of sfall isn't likely to be until october. Add it to the wiki so that I don't forget.

I could hug you! In a none sexual way of course.

So it seems it's possible right?

Someone could just throw out Fast Shot and add back Night Person.

It should also be possible to like change the negative effect on Bruiser right? I mean common 2 points of strength for less action points? If your bigger and stronger why not just decrease AC?
Well, Lexx have modded traits in Shattered Destiny 2, he modified them.

But, creating new traits from scratch... will be a pain in the ass. A serious.
Additional traits doesn't work, because the interface isn't made for more. The only possible way is to make it like in Timeslips example, where you start the game, open the character screen and pick new traits like picking perks.
Well, I wouldn't do it, because it doesn't look good in my opinion.