Hi! Just went back to FO2 and installed it along with MIB88Megamod2.4.
And now i wonder if there is a bug or something as i have absolutely no chance getting past the first giant scorpion in first caves of the trial.. ive done this many times before but this just doesnt work. 1 hit then run repeatedly but i always end up dead, in one instance i tried for 40 minutes evading it with one attack every round on it for 0 damage/miss/1 damage..
There must be the mod, this unbalance is ridicule.. i got annoyed and created an meele char just to test and its the same..
So.. how the hell do i get past it, and if every combat is going to be like this id say this mod goes to the bin pretty fast as it makes the game completely unplayable unless you can spend 5 years playing through it..

Ohh forgot to add, i already play at wimpy / easy level, so this makes things even worse..
How do you guys do it without cheating?
And now i wonder if there is a bug or something as i have absolutely no chance getting past the first giant scorpion in first caves of the trial.. ive done this many times before but this just doesnt work. 1 hit then run repeatedly but i always end up dead, in one instance i tried for 40 minutes evading it with one attack every round on it for 0 damage/miss/1 damage..
There must be the mod, this unbalance is ridicule.. i got annoyed and created an meele char just to test and its the same..
So.. how the hell do i get past it, and if every combat is going to be like this id say this mod goes to the bin pretty fast as it makes the game completely unplayable unless you can spend 5 years playing through it..

Ohh forgot to add, i already play at wimpy / easy level, so this makes things even worse..
How do you guys do it without cheating?