Eidos' Tomb Raider: Underworld Review Shenanigans

I remember playing Tomb Raider 2 almost 11 years ago (IIRC it was december 1997/january 1998). I was like "HOLY SHIT! THIS IS AWESOME!". I mean, you could light up the area with MOTHERFUCKING FLARES, you could drive MOTHERFUCKING MOTORBOATS AND SHIT and fighting was awesome for the time. Of course, that was one of the first action-adventure games I played. I didn't play 3 and 4 that much, I played through Chronicles though and thought it was OK. Angel of Darkness was a load of crap, but I think they more than made up for it with Legend and Anniversary. They were actually quite decent games for action-adventure titles and the puzzles were ok.
Partly, the franchise still lives due to a hardcore fan community. But on the other hand, AoD almost buried it, it was Legend that pulled it out of the shitter. It may not be original and at certain levels it's nothing but a rehash of older stuff, but as long as there's still some fun to be had with the gameplay I guess it's ok. I never had anything against the longevity of the series as long as it churned out playable games (which can not be said about AoD). As long as you don't look too much into it it's ok.
I don't know about Underworld but from what I've heard the PC version has quite a few glitches. If the game turns out to be good, great. We'll probably see another sequel in a year or two. If it flops, it's no big loss. My favourite Tomb Raider of all time is still 2.