Elaborate Polish Fallout 3 Interview HOAX


Night Watchman
Staff member
Just to clarify, some of you might have heard about an"interview" on Fallout 3 at Gry-Online, a large and hitherto respected gaming site. Here's a snippet:<blockquote>"Fallout 3 needn't rival the competition with technical spiels taken out of military labs, it wasn't what made it strong 10 years ago, however, it will happen - but somewhat out of the focus", says Boyarski in the interview he gave us 39 days before the start of this year's E3. At the same time he makes a reservation not to publish this interview under any circumstances before June. Now we can talk about it openly - three legandary creators of a cult role-playing game are back in business. Tim Cain, Jason Anderson & Leonard Boyarsky, whom have all remained on the fringes of gaming world since the fall of Troika Games a year ago, have signed positions with Bethesda.</blockquote>Needless to say, the Great ABC, meaning Jason Anderson, Leonard Boyarski and Tim Cain, the genii behind the Fallout universe, mishappenly don't work at or for the company Bethesda Softworks, as they have never received such a proposal. This bit is Mickey Mouse. Spurious. Not genuine. And it's worth... FOPOS. As are all the other pieces of the article - the real-time/turn-based hybrid combat or Africa being the place of the plot included.

So there you have it. Remind me to not trust anything that might have "online" as part of their trademark.

Link: April Fool's Joke 71 days late @ Gry-Online

Thanks to Robin for the info.
What the hell is happening !? fist the canadians, now poland.... evnetualy well have jokes about fallout in the vatican :?
Dirty 'cuz I had your sister on its tip, gringo!

Seriously, yet another Polish article that's full of shit. What a surprise.
Malky said:
Damn dirty Poles.

Suck my dirty pole :D

In a related story, the author of this "interview" we mentioned sent us an e-mail with a dementi:
Shuck said:

About little misunderstanding that happened... :-] The text you mentioned in "Elaborate Polish Fallout 3 Interview HOAX" was not a news - it is my wishful thinking in the form of feuilleton. In the lack of real information on Fallout 3 I have gathered a few speculations and mixed them up with a lot of imagination to publish it in the cycle of Thoughts Not Deliberated (Polish: Mysli nieprzemyslane), just to create a wannabe-preview of F3. Thoughts Not Deliberated serve every and each week as the platform for publishing stories, comic stories, feuilletons etc.
I would be grateful for publishing this dementi on your site, as the reaction to my story was much more widespread and intense than I expected. I am a huge fan of Fallout series myself and I do not intend to harm anyone who shares my feelings.

Thank you,
Borys Zajaczkowski,

Well, even if he didn't do it deliberately, what's done is done. What needs to be made clear is just that - it's not authentic at all.
Bush said:

A little misunderstanding seems to have happened... :-] The text you mentioned in your thread "White House Officials say they are going to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age HOAX" was not really news - it is my wishful thinking in the form of a feuilleton. Because of the lack of real information on the whole Iran situation, I gathered a few speculations and mixed them up with a lot of imagination to publish it in the cycle of Thoughts Not Deliberated, just to create a wannabe-scenario for Iran. Thoughts Not Deliberated serves each and every week as the platform for publishing stories, comic stories, feuilletons, etc.
I would be grateful for publishing this dementi on your site, as the reaction to my story was much more widespread and intense than I expected. I am a huge fan of nuclear gizmos myself and I do not intend to harm anyone who shares my feelings. Except them muslims, of course, because I don't trust them.

Thank you,

If it had been a joke, the humor of it would have been lost on me.
It's still not funny, though.