Electric Toothbrush

Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
They have ketchup in croatia? :o
Yes, unfortunately. And they put it on pizza. On pizza! Don't these morons know anything?

And why is my l33t sp33k no longer in your sig, Phil? What, I'm not good enough for you anymore? FINE! I'LL FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO WILL QUOTE ME!
I put bleu cheese dressing on my pizza, occasionally.

I also order it without cheese, when I can.
Yer, my plane leaves at 7PM Eastern Time, but we have to be at Dulles three hours prior to takeoff, and it takes three hours to get there, so...

Hm. I should probably leave here in a few minutes.
Let's see, if I got things right, Malky couldn't summon the will to leave his computer until the last minute of his stay in US?

meh, eletric toothbrushes are too slow for me, i'm not kidding i have one, but only use it when i'm trying to woo the ladies with the incredible whiteness of my dentition. you have to brush every single side of each tooth for 3 seconds, admitting you lose about half a second in each transition, that adds to... hummm well, it just takes too much time from my routine of idling.

I'm ugly, burly and a punker, and STILL get the best ladies around.

Nerds. :P
Ashmo said:
That and dozens of books on programming and various programs.

Are you a member of the programmer's heaven??

I recieve this kind of stuff too and err.... something related to enlargement. :eyebrow:
Ratty said:
Let's see, if I got things right, Malky couldn't summon the will to leave his computer until the last minute of his stay in US?


You know you would too. I would, alittle last minute masturbation....
EyeMaster7 said:
Are you a member of the programmer's heaven??

I'm no member of anything, but I'm insane enough to learn C++ in my spare time and write PHP applications for clients as a freelancer.
I pretty much gave up web DESIGN though. I'm not much of an artist, I only make the design work.

I recieve this kind of stuff too and err.... something related to enlargement. :eyebrow:

I only receive that in the mail -- even for body parts I don't even have! :wtf: