

It Wandered In From the Wastes
I made an elevator that works but I end up somwhere totally other than where I figgured I would end up. Is there a work around which dosn't include rebuilding the Maps.txt? Basicaly I want the elevator to work like a staircase. Well, not really but you know...
Maybe you could place a map-change/exit field in the elevator. (the green things)
Although elevators are hardcored, they can be changed using a patch. Here: http://www.teamx.ru/files/utils/f2_elev.rar and it works fine, i've used it a long time ago. It patches fo2.exe so make backup, you can also patch mapper.exe for quick testing. How does it work:
1.first run it in cmd(for xp start>run>cmd), it asks you for the elevator type, start from 1...
If you have a elevator type table, see which type do you need(how many floors, elevator button panel look)..it's simple.
Just make sure *.exe is in the same folder as *.exe you want to patch. I found elevator types: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=507 Have fun! If somebody writes that elevators can't be changed, think again :wall: