Elissar cheers

Elissar said:
Yeah, I'm a 15U CH47D (Chinook) Helicopter Mechanic

Oh, heh. Small world. I wonder if they had you do a work order on "The Bitch" yet, as CMSgt. Duncan coined it when he visited from Elmendorf. If you don't know what I mean, then you will at some point. They usually do it as a prank on new guys.
Never Worked on "The Bitch" Unless your talking on ACFT 174, in which case we worked on that fucker almost 5 months.... I hate that aircraft.

I have given filled out Part's Request sheets for items like the Flux Capaciter, Reverse Light's, Pilot and Co-Pilot Airbags... gave those to one of the newest guys up here to take to Tech Supply for me to get em Stamped.

we've got a picture somewhere of him "performing a pitot-static check" looks like he's trying to suck off one of the pitot tubes.
Elissar said:
Never Worked on "The Bitch" Unless your talking on ACFT 174, in which case we worked on that fucker almost 5 months.... I hate that aircraft.

Nah, it wasn't that. I thought it was a Chinook, but that might have been wrong, details like that are almost unimportant to me. What I remember is that it was a huge beast and it was a bitch. It was notorious for giving problems and just...not starting. Even after they were all over it for months, it would rarely start, and they never could figure out what the problem was whenever I would talk to them.

This was back in the 80's, so...they might have ditched The Bitch.

I have given filled out Part's Request sheets for items like the Flux Capaciter, Reverse Light's, Pilot and Co-Pilot Airbags... gave those to one of the newest guys up here to take to Tech Supply for me to get em Stamped.

Heh, I used to do the same shit to deckapes. Bulkhead Remover, a can of A1-R, the Feedhorn Tuner, a tray of porthole glasses. There's no real portholes on a US navy ship, and porthole glasses are slang for the Captain's shotglasses - you knew whom the salt was when they'd be wise on that joke and anyone who was asked for them would know that someone basically told the fuckup asking for them that he's an idiot.

we've got a picture somewhere of him "performing a pitot-static check" looks like he's trying to suck off one of the pitot tubes.

Beaut. Scan it.
i used to send my helper to get me metric wire cutters, i even had a new guy try to start a 3/4 ton electric fork lift on compression, by pushing it down the shipping ramp.

eheheh good old times
:rofl: during field problems and such sending the new guy running from the training site back to the base-camp for replacement chemlight batteries and a bag of grid-squares for map-reading class is always classic.
I thought all the aviation MOS were like 67 series or something like that.

Anyways though, I'm wondering if my cousin was part of that raid to capture Saddam. He's with B co 1-22 mech infantry which is a part of the 4th ID operating around Tikrit.
We were up till October.. then they reclassified us to 15 series (combat arms) to bring us in line with our officers (151proof series)
Murdoch said:
Ugly John said:
Now they should use him to rebuild the american economy.

Tie him up in NY at ground zero with a sign that says
: 10$ kick Saddam in the ass

They'd make millions

Screw that, make it $500 and you'd still have people lined up for blocks.

Now to find OSAMA...

FUCK THAT! Let's ROSHAMBO him for 10$ a pop to kick ole Sodom in the jimmy!
Elissar said:
:rofl: during field problems and such sending the new guy running from the training site back to the base-camp for replacement chemlight batteries and a bag of grid-squares for map-reading class is always classic.

One of my co-worker was a sargent in the canadian military and was in charge of basic map reading, every class he would send a new guy to get him a box of azimut at the supplys, He would usually take the dumbest one and wait till they were in the field, so the poor guy had to run a couple of clicks get laughed at and then run back. The fun part was that even when a guy would know what azimut were the guy would jog back to the supply and come back.
We also used to do pranks like this on new recruits, funny as hell.. especially when you're driving a Leopard tank and tell them to get out and start pushing...HAAAAHAAA...
... And because of rank they don't argue and do it even if they know it's pointless. The funny ones are the ones who really try to push, those are so gulible that yopu can have them do anything.

Way back when i was a bartender, we had that dumb blonde new girl, after the guys in the kitchen had her rotate the ice in the ice-machine (put the old on eon top of the new one) i tried to tell her that they were making fun of her, thta not working i joined in with a clear conscience (if she's that dumb she deserves it) so i handed her a broom and told her that i wasn't getting enough head (of foam) on the draugth. I told her to go hit the kegs in the back with the broom to "stir" them a bit. She said ok, went in the kitchen with the broom, entered the beer fridge, i was following her closely laughing, the chef looked at her and then at me with the WTF look on his face. Then it started... *DING*... *DING*....*DING*....i almost pissed in my pants *DING* the chef asked me wtf was going on, *DING* i just opened the fridge door laughing *DING* i was laughing so much that i couldn't speak *DING* ...
The chef threw me out of the kitchen and then told her that it was ok now the draught had enough head.

Can't help but to laugh everytime i think about it.
Ugly John said:
... And because of rank they don't argue and do it even if they know it's pointless. The funny ones are the ones who really try to push, those are so gulible that yopu can have them do anything.

Way back when i was a bartender, we had that dumb blonde new girl, after the guys in the kitchen had her rotate the ice in the ice-machine (put the old on eon top of the new one) i tried to tell her that they were making fun of her, thta not working i joined in with a clear conscience (if she's that dumb she deserves it) so i handed her a broom and told her that i wasn't getting enough head (of foam) on the draugth. I told her to go hit the kegs in the back with the broom to "stir" them a bit. She said ok, went in the kitchen with the broom, entered the beer fridge, i was following her closely laughing, the chef looked at her and then at me with the WTF look on his face. Then it started... *DING*... *DING*....*DING*....i almost pissed in my pants *DING* the chef asked me wtf was going on, *DING* i just opened the fridge door laughing *DING* i was laughing so much that i couldn't speak *DING* ...
The chef threw me out of the kitchen and then told her that it was ok now the draught had enough head.

Can't help but to laugh everytime i think about it.

You yankees have strange humor..but of course any making fun of a dumb blonde is good fun so.. :D
Ah, stupid army work jokes. I've heard our mechanics send the new guy to get an exhaust sample with a plastic bag. And whenever we go to the field someone is always told to go get the key to area J. Area J being the name of the woods we're going to...hence no door, much less key.

We have some Commo ones too. You can usually get some dumbass to try and orientate the CHU antenna. The CHU is an omni-directional antenna...it picks up signals in 360 degrees, so there's no way to align it. They end up spinning it around for a while before someone tells them to stop.