

Night Watchman
Staff member
So I'm fishing for kewl epitaphs and I found this, I remember that there was an epitaph like that in Fallout:
a grave said:
I was somebody.
Who, is no business
of yours

Figures it's an anonymous grave in Stowe,Vermont.

Wonder if I could find something more...

As a matter of fact, graveyards n Fallout (and other BIS and Troika games) crack me up.

Do you have any favourites? Or some ideas for an fallouty epitaph? (Mind you, I might just shamelessly steal those)

Margaret Daniels
Hollywood Cemetery,
Richmond, Virginia

She always said her feet were killing her but nobody believed her.

Heh, seems everybody's looking up the same sources for epitaphs :D

EDIT: And they must thave been here, too: http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/epitfs.htm
Lester Moore was a Wells, Fargo Co. station agent for Naco, Arizona in the cowboy days of the 1880's. He's buried in the Boot Hill Cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona

Here lies Lester Moore
Four slugs from a .44
No Les No More.

Seen this one.
"Stop standing on the space reserved for me."

"I cant think of something witty right now."

"(stopped to tie his shoes on the railroad tracks)"

"Here lies a woman who said "I wonder what this tastes like..." Though she may not have known what it was...she now knows better."

:o ,
The Vault Dweller
I always assumed all of them were made up. (The Lester More one appears in Wasteland where there were like 4 headstones in all.) Here's one reasonably well-known Swedish one (if you live in Sweden anyway):

"Hereunder lies the ashes of a man who was in the habit of putting everything off for the next day. However, he improved at the last and really died on January 31, 1972."

I always thought it was a bit wordy, but you could perhaps steal the idea.
It was in Wasteland Per? I could have sworn I saw it in Fallout 2.
No doubt, but it was in Wasteland first. It's probably everywhere with small variations.
In Arcanum, for instance.

I wonder if many of these could be verified. You know, the locations being given would seem to lend credibility, but then, these might have been made up too.

EDIT: Dove, do you have photos? :D