Still Mildly Glowing

Before I start this RP won't be online until my current RP comes to a close.This RP will not be like my last it will have proper game mechanics like turn based combat and Special that will effect your chance of doing stuff .If you tried to pursued some one and your charisma was 4 you would have a 40% chance of success .However if someone has charisma higher than you they can give you advice and this will result in a temporary bost in that skill. This mechanic will be the same for all Special skills.I will not be a player I will be the "Overseer" (like the Dungeon master in D&D) Note: Hunger,hydration ,sleep and blader will also take part in the game mechanic.And everyone will have at 1 in strength will have a carry weight of 10 and at 10 in strength the carry wight will be 100 . The basic plot is the characters are slaves in Caesars legion at flagstaff and they are trying to escape to NCR territory. Now if you would like to join make a character sheet including your special everyone stats of with 5 in each off the special then has 5 extra to designate You can also move points around .If you need to ask a question just PM me.