Escapist melts down again, no more Zero Punctuation, replacement SecondWind also melting

Can you imitate yourself? It's like that time a record company sued Niel Young for sounding too much like Niel Young. . .and lost.
Well Escapist owns ZP so unless he wants to risk a lawsuit I dunno how similar he can make the new one.
They might own the name but he was making those videos before working there, not to mention them not suing the other people who make the same videos after leaving. though hearing about Movie Bob getting upset about not getting sued over doing the same thing would be quite the laugh factory.
Well, like I said I will watch it later but sometimes things just have a certain charm to them the way they are and if you have to change anything of it it can lose it so hopefully it won't happen to nu-ZP.
Gave it a try, I don't the new red background, the added details to the background and whatever the fuck he did with the eyes. I also find his new redesigned persona a bit pretentious looking. I'll check out his video for games I really find interesting but the visual appeal is not clicking with me.
Haha I listen to it without looking at the images. I win.
You get TWO trophies for that!

Buncha slack jawed flying flaggots round here...

I fly a different flag. It's pure white with two eye holes cut into it.

Just kidding this is my flag.

Also, I think the new non copyright infringing Yahtzee show called Fully Ramblomatic is supposed to go up later today, will be interesting to see because basically all of the Escapist video shows had the visual style modelled after Zero Punctuation, so will they go for a completely new one or skirt the line and risk getting sued? I mean it's basically stick figures anyway...

Can you imitate yourself? It's like that time a record company sued Niel Young for sounding too much like Niel Young. . .and lost.