Evengelical TV or the Power of Christ compels you to watch?


I hate this. I cannot rant how much I hate evengelical TV.

Today, I am going to pick up my laundry and the TV's on. Someone has switched off HBO (they were playing the Bill Murray flick, "The Man who Knew too little" and they have switched it to either
Trinity Broadcast Network or Eternal Word Broadcasting Network.

What do I see, some asshole is advertising his recent book about "What will you do when the Apocalypse Comes- the Bible Reveals startling new revelations on the End TImes."

There's this little girl, about 10 years old, watching mesmorized. (That's what you do with kids when you don't have time to take interest in them- you put them in front of the TV and instead of having them entertained with violent Bugs Bunny Cartoons you terrorize them with the wrath of God!).

Next advertisement, 'How to prepare for the Rapture.' Ten easy steps.

Does this soap make you more clean and Godly?

Try this internet connection for matching with swinging Christian singles in your neighborhood!

"Yes, the war in Iraq is justified so we can bring Jesus to those heathen Muslims!"

"Yes, Brothers and Children, Satan is at work through the New Age Movement. Look at see how New Age draws inspiration from the unholy words of Hinduism and Budhism."

You too can join our new Christian Community at Fellowship Lake. Two Bedroom Condos sell at the low price off....... and you can feel rewarded that your purchase will go to building a new Christian community in Zambia......

I hate these people. For more on this-

Dude. Stop this. You know just as well as I do that these people are a minority, and I know better than anybody that Muslims and Pagans can and more often worse then any of these fuckers. Your just encouraging a world view in which all Christains are like that.
No, not actually.

CC, what pisses me off is how some folks pawn off the Christian church to make a buck. Free speech, ok. So they have the right to own TV channels, and they have the right to push advertising the way they want to so that some programs and shows get knocked off the air because some Christians don't like what is said. That is Christianity plus business.

But I find it outragious that people sell Christianity to make a buck, and that goes for those who use Christianity to sell products or even those who use the mediums of communication to sell their view of Christianity to make money.

And it pissed me off that people are so spineless that they will be led by that.

Ok, so the Muslims do it too- maybe that's why their part of the world is so fucked up.

I mean really, maybe if the morality police in Muslim countries was a bit easier and more Muslims were getting laid they wouldn't be so pissed off.

As for Pagans, to me paganism is more a Christian definition of something un Christian than a religion or religious view. If you are talking about Hindus or Buddhists, or Shikhs or whatever, give them a name. If you have alternative views of religion, God bless you. God gave you a mind with which to think.

But I am Catholic and it does piss me off when someone sells religion like this. Christ threw out the merchants from the temple for a reason.
I was not calling it good, and it does alot to fuck up the Islamic countries.

Pagan in the neopagan sense. Half of the arguments here have gone into an argument about that semifaith.

And it was moneylenders, not merchants.
I was thinking about this thread and flicked on
the Trinity Broadcast Network. For more, check on TBN.org.

I guess what pisses me off about this is the idea that religion could be a business. Churches are economic actors and as such a church could become a business and act like a business. But religion is also on of the great social professions, like medicine and law. It is there to serve.

If you are not careful the goals of business conflict with those of your profession- to serve.

I have seen this in law- where attorneys milk their clients for everything, where they perpetuate cases just to make a buck. The same thing happens in the medical community where the doctor gets a side payment from a pharmaceutical for prescribing expensive medicines to patients.

To me this is moral corruption. At the core it's self interested behavior. You are more interested in your personal rewards than the service you are to provide. Your clients are not those you should care for, but a flock of
sheep there for your shearing and consumption.

This is also, at the macro-level, economically inefficient. By aggregating self-interest you reach collective loss.

Whether you are a doctor, lawyer or priest, your job is serve your community and you owe your clients, patients or parisheners a duty of loyalty and obligation as part of that profession.

The more a business you become, the less you function as a professional, the more your goals become corrupt and you lose sight of you reason for existence. I want a church dedicated to bridging the difference between man and God, not interested in making a dollar by selling me fear of an apocalpse and damnation.
Here's a brief definition of Evangelists = Shrewd businessmen who don't give a rats dirty ass about your soul or salvation, but do care about the size of your wallet and your generosity. Give, I say! Give in the name of the Lord!! F you assmunch.

Evangelists are for ignorant Bible belt rednecks, and that's about it.
CCR said:
Dude. Stop this. You know just as well as I do that these people are a minority, and I know better than anybody that Muslims and Pagans can and more often worse then any of these fuckers. Your just encouraging a world view in which all Christains are like that.
Bwahahahaaaaa!!! Tsch. That sucks, CCR. Really, it does. It really REALLY does suck.
Wanna know why?
Well, because you've been arguing with me that Islam is inherently violent, while I have been saying that it isn't based on the views of the majority.
So now I'll say that Chrisitianity is inherently mercantile and scamming, even though the majority of Christianity doesn't like it. Happy? :twisted:

Numero dos:
You "know" better than anybody that muslims can and often are worse? Tsch. The prejudices shine off you, CCR.
Sander said:
CCR said:
Dude. Stop this. You know just as well as I do that these people are a minority, and I know better than anybody that Muslims and Pagans can and more often worse then any of these fuckers. Your just encouraging a world view in which all Christains are like that.
Bwahahahaaaaa!!! Tsch. That sucks, CCR. Really, it does. It really REALLY does suck.
Wanna know why?
Well, because you've been arguing with me that Islam is inherently violent, while I have been saying that it isn't based on the views of the majority.
So now I'll say that Chrisitianity is inherently mercantile and scamming, even though the majority of Christianity doesn't like it. Happy? :twisted:

Numero dos:
You "know" better than anybody that muslims can and often are worse? Tsch. The prejudices shine off you, CCR.

As does your faggety moral relitivism :lol: (sarcasm of course)

You have no referances to Christian scripture, hence your conclusion=shit.
You have no referances to Christian scripture, hence your conclusion=shit.
Meh. I was hoping for you not to point that out.

But, you have to admit, that if you can bring up a minority as an argument here, but you can ignore it somewhere else, you're being completely inconsistent.
Sander said:
Numero dos:
You "know" better than anybody that muslims can and often are worse? Tsch. The prejudices shine off you, CCR.

He is right on this point, y'know, CC.