Everyone hates me

Little Robot

I'm playing Fallout 2, and nearly everyone in the game is desperate to kill me... does anyone know why? My karma is currently at Shield of Hope, but in towns where I'm neutral everyone there tries to murder me. For example, Francis in BH wouldn't talk to me and said that he would not associate with scum, the sheriff in Redding said that he'd "heard about me" or something, and all the cops in NCR try to murder me as soon as they see me. I've never done anything really bad, and I'm not a slaver. As far as I can tell the problem goes away when I've gotten good rep in the town, but why do people hate me so much?
Btw this is my second playthrough and my first with the latest resto patch. Could this have something to do with it?
And what another negative title - Gravedigger, or Childkiller; don't you have one of them? I'm playing the RP with low charisma, but NPC's are acting as usualy.
Neither gravedigger nor childkiller. The only grave I dug was the ghost girl in the Den. Didn't kill any kids, either. I'm playing a very "good" character.
Could be that you have angered the world, maybe from a shootout or maybe stolen something. Of course, not everyone would take offense, just the people in the current outpost.
I don't think that I've ever angered anyone in these outposts. Actually it's quite a problem because as soon as I entered NCR (and saved) the cops started shooting at me.
So now my most recent save slot (~1hr from previous one) is basically me trapped in NCR. I'm in the stockmen's association, though, so I'm thinking about joining a caravan, travelling to redding, coming back down and clearing V15 for positive rep in NCR which should hopefully let me go in without being attacked.
The weird thing is that my rep shows neutral or positive in all these towns. It's pretty funny to open the character screen as the cops are pumping shotgun shells into your head and read that "although normally suspicious of outsiders, the people of this region haven't yet made up their minds about you."
Weird, never heard something like this.
But at NCR you didn't have your weapon out did you? Because that could be one thing that pisses those scumbags out.
lemonold said:
Weird, never heard something like this.
But at NCR you didn't have your weapon out did you? Because that could be one thing that pisses those scumbags out.

No, didn't have a weapon out. I have Myron with me too, and I double-checked that he doesn't have a gun out either.
Try starting a new game(just for a check) and see if it still happens, or just reinstall the patch or game.
Seconded on trying a new game just to see if you are bugged. Never heard anything like this happening.
I also second the motion, the motion carries, the accused has been sentanced to starting a new savegame, than comeing back with the resaults.
Check the character screen carefully - if you don't have some negative karma title, this sounds like a bug. Also read the RP tech wiki to be sure you have the RP installed correctly. If that problem persist, only Bear Dude himself can help you - post to the RP thread and upload saved game somewhere.

Did you combined other mods or patches with Restoration Project? That may be cause too.
When I read the title of this thread I thought it was Proser pleading for forgiveness...doesn't matter. :roll:
.Pixote. said:
When I read the title of this thread I thought it was Proser pleading for forgiveness...doesn't matter. :roll:

I thought the same thing. Then I thought - this guy must be playing a 1 Charisma childkilling slaver. But from what I read, this is a very unusual bug/glitch/situation.
Prosper crossed my mind as well... :P

That bastard is mind-controlling other people now! ( :wink: ) But in all seriousness, I've never paraded across Fallout 2 with as many people hating me so much.. no matter how many children I slaughtered :twisted:
Ghouly89 said:
Prosper crossed my mind as well... :P

That bastard is mind-controlling other people now! ( :wink: ) But in all seriousness, I've never paraded across Fallout 2 with as many people hating me so much.. no matter how many children I slaughtered :twisted:

You slaughtered children? I think we should revise your MR application... :lol:
Ardent said:
You slaughtered children? I think we should revise your MR application... :lol:

The little bastards in the Den should learn to keep their thieving hands to themselves... :ugly:
Whenever I went to den I'd give the kids a nice ticking explosive device to play with, I know it's evil, but they'll learn.
Well, I might have let it slide, but it never fails that they grab my most valuable possessions... when I found out my Y2K Pulse Rifle was missing, there was no hope left :P
I find that smacking them for one round of combat works just fine. Each time you go around there again, they run away.

And of course, always try stealing from them when you see them doing the stealing animation (or whenever you go near them, you low perception gits) before you treat them like red headed step children.

Or, just get restoration project and do the related quest before going in the shops of the den. :D