Evolution Disproved by Peanut Butter!

haha. amazing...

i counter you with flying spaghetti monsters and cellestial teapots, Ah-Teen!

Ah-Teen said:
How do you get those neat little video thingies to show up?
NMA doesnt allow embedded stuff.
I propose that fundemental christianity is a form of escapism. Like weed. Christianity = Weed. There's logical reasoning for ya
SuAside said:
NMA doesnt allow embedded stuff.

Yeah we do, Silencer made a plugin for Youtube



Anyway, this is of course a response to the infamous banana speech


But the best reply to that speech is this

I was just watching all of those and laughing the whole time.

Silly people.

The pineapple speech made me laugh pretty hard.

Really fucked up on this one god.

If the banana is the atheist nightmare, then the pineapple is the christians scary movie.

albeit I don't close the doors to anything sort of speak. Some of the reasons and debates on boths sides can be rather ridiculous
It's got spikes on it so it's painful to hold.

Easy open tab.... ugh... ohh, nevermind

No way to tell if it's ripe cause it's brown, yellow, and green all over

I loled.
Thanks Brother None.

Yeah! Banana!

God's perfect fruit! I present, the banana!

Stupid people are funny
Seraphim Pwns U said:
Wow... I had a lot of respect for most of you... up until this thread.


Try as I might, I can't see exactly why that would be... whatever side you take on the issue is irrelevant in the face of the fact that stupid is stupid, and it always deserves to be called out as such regardless of whether the idiot who's spouting it is doing so to support your point. The simple truth of it is that that peanut butter nonsense demonstrated an utter obliviousness to the basic tenets of the evolutionist side of the debate, if not a willful downplaying of them in an exercise of preach-to-the-choir one-upmanship. And honestly, in its streamlining of the facts, the original banana bit isn't far behind.

To me, the creationist videos cited here are nothing short of an insult to the truly religious. Resorting to the seeking and using of such blunt and superficially reasoned "proofs" as those smacks of playground squabbling. I thought the whole point of faith was that those who had it didn't need to go reassuring themselves with childish claptrap like this. The presence or absence of a creator isn't something that can be given a satisfactory proof until you're pushing up daisies. That's why it's called faith in the first place.
If you want to see Evolution disproved, just go to Dutchiestan.
Take one look at a Dutch mug, and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Damn, I was going to reply to Seraphim's post, but Yamu beat me to it, and there's really nothing I can add. Great reply Yamu.

You have to be pretty oblivious or gullible to buy into the ridiculous arguments presented in the banana and peanut butter videos, no matter what side of the issue you're on. It's 100% BS.
Seraphim Pwns U said:
Wow... I had a lot of respect for most of you... up until this thread.

Are you seriously implying that you believe that peanut butter and banana shit? If so, FEAR THIS:

Jokes aside, Seraphim is probably trying to say he doesn't like people making fun of christians, which I understand up to a point. And that point is reached when people start talking the kind of nonsense we saw in those videos. It's important to be able to take humour for what it is. When someone attempts to prove his beliefs using a completely illogical argument, a fallacy, humour is totally appropriate.
Man, I knew the banana bit was BS when I first heard about it. What makes me laugh is how useless this "proof" really is. No non Xtian is going to suddenly believe in God because cultivated bananas are curvy shaped.

Yamu said:
an exercise of preach-to-the-choir one-upmanship.

Exactly. All the people that beleive it are nodding their heads in agreement and all that don't are pointing out the factual flaws. Way I figure it, arguments about religion are like the Special Olympics.
Yamu said:
whatever side you take on the issue is irrelevant in the face of the fact that stupid is stupid, and it always deserves to be called out as such regardless of whether the idiot who's spouting it is doing so to support your point.
But what do you do - generally, not just concerning this issue - if you're supporting a point that's idiotic altogether? :P
How many of you actually realised the first video is a fallacy because they're disproving the theory of abiogenesis, which is a *subset* of the theory of evolution, but not the theory of evolution as a whole?
We're not making fun of Christians here. We're making fun of those that choose to ignore anything but what they believe. If mainstream Christianity actually believed this bs few people would actually be Christian.

I've heard my fair share of bullshit from my own religion. Some moron comes to me telling me he's the soul of Satan's pet dragon in human form I'm going bash him. I'm not bashing the religion, I'm bashing them.
Ah-Teen said:
I'm not bashing the religion, I'm bashing them.

Well, still, you shouldn't feel bad if you do bash the religion. I myself don't give a flying fuck about being politically correct.