Exchange student


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm going to be an exchange student next year probably and I wonder if there are any places that you people would recommend going to..The ones I'm considering at the moment is australia, usa and thailand
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You should go to Myanmar, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Uganda (Victoria lake region) or Croatia. Each of these countries has its attractions. For example, Myanmar has a really brutal military regime that kills innocent students, enslaves its own people and exports heroine. Zimbabwe is ruled by black racists that murdered tens of thousands of white people. North Korea has (had?) a populate decrement of about a million people a year due to terrible starvation. Victoria lake region of Uganda has 80% people that are HIV positive. Croatia has me, which is reason enough to steer clear of it.

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If you are from America, go to some nice European country, preferably an EU member. If you are from Europe, go to America and make yourself comfortable in a nice middle-class family. I was (sorta) an exchange student myself - last year I spent a few weeks in Florida, and it was unforgettable, partially because the family I was in was stinkingly rich (for Croatian standards, at least). Wherever you chose to go, get to know the place before you decide to go. You don't want to end up spending several months or a year in a place you hate.

Oh, and if you get a chance to visit Croatia, please do so - I'd love to meet you. We could even get drunk together! :D

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Stay clear of Sweden. There are tons of exchange students at my school, and I keep asking myself why the hell one would choose Jönköping, Sweden, as the place to study in when presented with the option of going virtually anywhere in the world. I'd go to New Zealand, which is exactly what I plan to do come my third year.
I'm from Norway, and was born in Zimbabwe, os I now all about the situation there... Anyone have any serious suggestions?;)
The ones I'm considering at the moment is australia, usa and thailand
I suppose it's much of a muchness really: it's a choice between death by dangerous animals/insects/plants/fish/etc., innumerable civilised mediums, or electrocution/food poisoning/tropical disease. :)

I might suggest France where you will most likely suffer from death by boredom: you get longer to visit the country that way!

[boring touristic blurb]
Interestingly, French people generally have a more positive vision of Norway, Sweden and Finland than of other European countries; be prepared however to talk a lot about snow, tall blond girls, and saunas. Try to apply somewhere in the south of France, the weather is better and folks are slightly more easy-going. There is much to visit all over the country. Young women are either stunningly good-looking or particularly forgettable; most of the interesting ones I've met are quite shy. Don't forget to sample the fine selection of wines available!
Note: Any resemblance with an existing country, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
[/boring touristic blurb]
SoNR said:
I'm from Norway, and was born in Zimbabwe, os I now all about the situation there... Anyone have any serious suggestions?;)

Like I said, New Zealand looks like a grand place, the United States ain't a bad place either. Personally, I'm fond of the south, since I was an exchange student in Mississippi a five or so years ago. Hawaii is great too, if you're into beaches. Australia seems very nice as well, but personally I'm a bit put off by the fact that it seems like no matter what kind of animal you look at, the deadliest ones all live in Australia (crocodiles, snakes, spiders, even freaking jellyfish).
I have to agree with Kurgen about France- a wonderful place to visit with particularly lovely girls.

I did my year abroad in Singapore because I was interested in that part of the world. Got to travel a lot, met lots of people, fell madly in love, dived, learned Tae Kwon Do, had a generally nice time. I also think the night life has improved dramatically since I was there. Also if you like small butts, Asian chicks. ALso its tropical.

I would stay away from Australia unless you are going to the coast. Great for diving and sports and I like Australians, but if you are going to Canberra, well, its in the middle of nowhere.

US- go to New York, Massachusetts or California. Avoid just about everything else. NO offense meant to any other poster here, but if you are coming from abroad to go to a country you want the most bang for your buck.

Lets see, Japan is neat if you are into the Japanese. I would avoid China and Russia.

Thais are great folks, but Bangkok takes a bit of getting used to. Polution is heavy and I think they still have flooding problems. Great place to see and visit and a good location to travel from. Otherwise, if you want to go to Southeast Asia- SIngapore is better.

You might also consider South Africa (unless you already have the "been to Africa, done that" feel.

Canada- no. SOuth of France is much better. Go some place warm.

Argentina and Brazil- Brazil you have to be careful. Both major cities have lots and lots of crime but are lovely places otherwise. Argentina is in economic trouble- better to avoid it.

There is always Spain. Barcelona? Madrid?
Japan seems interesting, and Singapore as well...What about florida? anyone know anything about that state? I think i'll go to california if i'm going to the US...And yes I lika Asians...Lived in Cambodia for 15months...Great...Lots of nice girls in Vietnam, but I didn't really like the country in such a way that i'd like to study there...Yes Bankok is terribly polluted, I know...I was there on a field trip on the Chao Praya River...Darn it was polluted...We swam in it but only upstream I believe it to have been, great nature... Well I've got until about March to decide but still I'd like to decide as early as possible...Don't really think I'd like to go to South-Africa, I'd rather go backpacking there later in my life or something...Africa is so isolated...France might be good as well, yes... And I'm of course not going to be studying in Sweden...It's enough with spending some holidays there...Lots of nice girls :D... Oh yeah I think New York and Massachusetts is way too cold for me..It's cold enough in Norway at times ;)...But we don't have polar bears or live in igloos ;) (if anyone believed so:P)
South Africa? Are you crazy?! The number of HIV infected people there is HUGE! In fact, it's hard to find a girl who is NOT HIV positive. The same goes for most of Africa, actually. It's a disaster.

Avoid Africa. A few days on a safari are okay, but spending months or even years there also means inevitable contact with local population. Personally, I don't think anything in Africa could possibly be worth such risk.
Ozrat said:
How about northern Wisconsin? Go as rural as possible, you'll like it!

Don't be silly. He's coming from Scandinavia. Don't you think he wants to see how someone else lives? Not another group of English speaking ex-scans?
Stay away from Belgium, that's all I'm asking. Belgium is overpopulated already. Plus: we are a peaceful society of religious zealots and peasants, so we don't need any foreign intellectuals coming and telling us how to handle things in a better way. Chances are you will be put in a labour camp anyway. So, instead of visisting our lovely country, go a little bit farther up to the north and visit the Netherlands instead. The beer is a lot worse than in Belgium, but you'll be able to smoke pot without going to jail for it, and from what I've heard, Dutch girls are the easiest prey in all of Europe. You'll probably have a hell of a time, and return to your country with a big, big smile on your face.
At the moment the countries that I'd like to go to the most is New Zealand, the US and Singapore....No Europe I think, not Africa at least, so far from civilization and technology.....
I have to agree with Blade Runner's remarks- Netherlands is a lovely place. The Dutch are great drinking buddies and the girls are lovely.

Down side on Singapore- the diving might be ok (althought murky) but the beaches are awful. YOu will have to go to INdo or Malaysia to see nice beaches.

New Zealand has great hiking. Lord of the Rings country.
Well, I always wanted to travel to Australia or Nevada for that fallouty wasteland feeling... not sure if I could stand a year, though.

And whatever you do, don't come to Poland for a year if you have the opportunity to go somewhere more interesting to go than this... this... mess.