Excuse Me NMA

Mine never showed up and I have two other adult teeth that are never going to show up. I'm 29... no wisdom, only one cavity and one broken tooth (got a crown on it).
Lucky bastard :P

I am 20, and I don't have any crowns, fillings, bridges, or anything like that. Which is hugely surprising, given my Coke/Pepsi consumption whilst working at KFC a few years back.

But my mum never got any wisdom teeth, and my dad only had two that never needed to be taken out or altered in any way.

But fuck, they have me on these antibiotics to stop infection, and I seriously think they are making me sick.
Heh the first one is the one where it's the most obvious, but I was sort of hoping for something out of the elephant man..

You disappoint :p
Duckman said:
But fuck, they have me on these antibiotics to stop infection, and I seriously think they are making me sick.

It's been proven antibiotics make you feel worse.
I am sorry, next time I get my Wisdom teeth out, I'll ask the surgeon to make more of a mess for the sadists of NMA, I am sure he will understand.


And yeah Pip, it is definitely making me feel worse. Got stomach pains and stuff that usually happens right after I take them...
Some of you that had the ol' two teeth out one week and two out the other I feel sorry for... Or admire your bravery. When it was time for me ol' choppers to come out I asked the doc to rip em all out at once... WITHOUT GAS! Holly good god I HATE nitrous, last time I had ear surgery (10ish?) I vividly recall the doctor telling me what his wife got him for Christmas.... *dream sequence* "Ohh, lets see, what did I get for Christmas, oh I know, I got socks, soawks, sooocks, shhooocks, shoooscks hhssuusoo shooookkkkkksssssssss s" *BLACKENESS*

-FRICKING NO WAY I'm taking nitrous EVER again. So anywho, I had the dentist shoot me up with some novicane and I came out of that office looking like Julia Roberts after a $50,000 botox injection!
Well, it's been a week and 2 days, but the teeth and gums are almost completely healed. I can eat solids again (fucking sweet), but have periodic pain now and again.

The thing is though, the first 3-4 days I was downing Codeine based painkillers at the rate of about 8 a day. Yes the pain was that fucking intense. Now, why didn't anyone tell me that Codeine has a few little nasty side effects? I've been sitting on the fucking toilet for a few days now and NOTHING. Man, I think this is worse than the pain from the teeth!
Duckman said:
Now, why didn't anyone tell me that Codeine has a few little nasty side effects? I've been sitting on the fucking toilet for a few days now and NOTHING. Man, I think this is worse than the pain from the teeth!
Hahaha... er, sorry.

Thanks for sharing, though. I'll be sure to ask for something besides Codeine if I ever get my teeth pulled.
Yeah, I am sorry, I had to vent my frustration seeing I am having trouble venting certain other things at the moment.

Trust me, if you are going to use Codeine, don't use it for an entire week.
pussy, i didnt get any painmeds after the initial local painkill crap stopped working...
Yeah well, I'd rather be spaced out and happy than not being able to do much due to the pain.
I had one of my wisdom teeth pulled. They gave me two doses of regular anasthetics. Didn't hurt while they took it out. But they had to cut it in half and crush it and break out the pieces with a mini-crowbar so my jaw was abit numb the following days.
They told me I shouldn't drink alcohol in a week but... I waited one day, heh.
Dear Newbies,

We don't give a flying fuck about any of you guys' wisdom teeth


The NMA staff. Except Sue.

Because he's a girl.
Dear Wooz,

We don't care that you clearly love us to the point you have to pretend not to give a shit about me/us.

