Expectations Going Forward to Fallout 4

Reaper Shackal

King of the Dominion
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, what are your expectations for Fallout 4 and why?

For me, I'd say... 4. 3.5 if we're counting decimals.

I think the game will be alright.
That said, I also think it will be a very crappy Fallout game.
The only reason I'm getting it is because I honestly feel obligated since it is unfortunately titled Fallout. That won't stop me from pretending it's some fan fiction turned game, kinda like Fallout 3.
I guess I can thank Bethesda for staying away from the west coast. I think us true Fallout fans would be even more pissed if they butchered that too.
I'd easily raise my expectations to 6 or maybe even 7 if it weren't for the voiced protagonist and the.. *shiver*.. mass effect style dialogue wheel. I just can't get it through my head why they would stoop to that. I don't even think the casual gamers they are obviously pandering too would have minded if they didn't. It was almost as if they just wanted to poke at people like us.
Or maybe Bethesda is really getting tired of making role playing games.
It looks like it wil be entertaining enough, but it will be a bad Fallout game and it also is very much a Bethesda game with all the pitfalls that brings.
I won't be buying it until I see a specially good mod and it goes on sale.
Not much else to say on the matter, except I mostly agree.

*I don't mind the voiced PC in principle, but I do mind that it very likely inhibited the script; and will play hell on the modders, trying to mod their own quests that are beyond...
"Go get that for me will you",

Not much else to say on the matter, except I mostly agree.

*I don't mind the voiced PC in principle, but I do mind that it very likely inhibited the script; and will play hell on the modders, trying to mod their own quests that are beyond...
"Go get that for me will you",


You didn't rate your expectations, not that I wish to press you on it as if it was important to do so.
Bethesda is probably running after the "ART GAEMMMZ!!!" thing, I mean all games hailed as such have some of the shlockeist stories full of manipulative adn glurgy writting ever. And the yare introducing that into the forced backstory of the main character and their claims that it will be about longing for times past.
I think it's going to be unratable, in that my enjoyment of it and the pain it brings me are going to be locked in an eternal quantum flux.
7-8 maybe. For as much as I disliked about Fallout 3 as a Fallout game, I still enjoyed it more than a lot of games I play. Fallout 4 is looking better so far so I'm staying optimistic and hoping they learned from their past mistakes.
I bought, and played Fallout 3 for (If I remember correctly, 80 hours, 40, 20, etc across a few characters) probably something like 150 hours back in 2010. I went into it with no expectations, and soldiered on through the game and the DLCS thinking the game was whatever, it's sorta Fallout, it's a mediocre shooter and maybe it will get better.

My loyalty to the franchise insisted I keep on giving it a chance, and it never really paid off. So until about halfway through Fallout 3, I rated it a 4.5.

When I the shock of the writing finally set in and the novelty of a "new" Fallout game wore off (and I finished all the content and had a clear picture of the entire game), I downgraded it to a solid 3. It wasn't the worst game I ever played, but way below average.

Fallout 4, from what I now know about Bethesda, Skyrim, what Obsidian was able to write in like 10 minutes vs 3, the creation engine, blah blah ,I rate my expectations of 4 to be like 3, except with some improved Graphics, animations, co-opted community mod ideas, lateral dialogue/story.

So like a 4.5/10