Exploding birds

Little Robot

Has anyone else noticed that birds will occasionally show up on your compass? If you shoot them outside of VATS (as far as I can tell, they can't be targeted inside of it) they explode. At least, the two that I shot did. It's pretty gruesome.
Little_Robot said:
Delacroix said:
Perhaps one should not shoot at the birds then...

But... they are there.
Best response ever. Your sig ("Boom") also made me LOL.

I tried to interact with the birds I saw earlier, but they got scared and flew away. Next time I am going Duck Hunting.
I've noticed since the last patch that I get 2xp for each bird I pop.

I don't recall this happening when I did it on my first playthrough when the game came out.

bug = feature

I didn't recall getting any XP the first time around, I could have missed it.
I only remember the satisfaction of seeing the blood spurt.
Little Robot said:
Has anyone else noticed that birds will occasionally show up on your compass? If you shoot them outside of VATS (as far as I can tell, they can't be targeted inside of it) they explode. At least, the two that I shot did. It's pretty gruesome.

Yes, they appear often, right when they shoudln't, so they get me confused while fighting. And, no, VATS doesn't apply for them. But they don't explode (unless sudden transformation into a bloody pasta isn't an explosion).
Yeah I was about to enter Nipton for the first time when I was confused by the blue ticks on the compass by no people ahead of me.....then I got owned by Vipers whilst I was busy being confused