F.E.A.R Combat

shit man that is good in fact I have been playing for ages and I have never seen a score that high.
well it was on a server with faster "runspeed" and higher jumps + some noobs that adds up ;)

But i ussualy get over or around 1000p serveral on normal servers.
@ Mikael Grizzly:

Don't be a kitten. Making others drink out of a toilet is bad!
UT gives you the greatest gamefeeling you can have. You become part of the game. Because it's MADE for beeing played online. It doesn't "have" a multiplayer mode... it IS a multiplayer mode.
The best mods and mutators, the best modells, the best vehilcles, the best announcments. The coolest violence commented by the coolest comments uttered by the guy you play. I always loved "No tears please... it's a waste of good suffering" uttered by Mister Crow when he killed somebody. It's actually a quote from Hellraiser. (the other cool one was, when you played a robot in UT 1 and you killed somebody, the robot, for example Xan, said "Next!" in a monotone, yet angry robot voice. It had something... cold... logical... robotic... like a factory manufaturing dead people)
And all the MONSTERKILL, HEADHUNTER and RAMPAGE shit bloody rocks!

And of course the maps are unique! Some of them are totally trippy and shit.
Vox said:
And all the MONSTERKILL, HEADHUNTER and RAMPAGE shit bloody rocks!
that totally sucks imo.

i really cant understand what's so fun about bunnyhopping around with an instagib weapon, hearing endless announcements of how much your e-peen is growing with each kill.

meh, i'll take CS over that any day. *puts on flaksuit*
Having played the Demo..I can only give it two big yawns.

There were some creepy moments,but unless the games name is Halo 3 a FPS needs more than a couple gimicks to make it enjoyable and memorable.