@ Mikael Grizzly:
Don't be a kitten. Making others drink out of a toilet is bad!
UT gives you the greatest gamefeeling you can have. You become part of the game. Because it's MADE for beeing played online. It doesn't "have" a multiplayer mode... it IS a multiplayer mode.
The best mods and mutators, the best modells, the best vehilcles, the best announcments. The coolest violence commented by the coolest comments uttered by the guy you play. I always loved "No tears please... it's a waste of good suffering" uttered by Mister Crow when he killed somebody. It's actually a quote from Hellraiser. (the other cool one was, when you played a robot in UT 1 and you killed somebody, the robot, for example Xan, said "Next!" in a monotone, yet angry robot voice. It had something... cold... logical... robotic... like a factory manufaturing dead people)
And all the MONSTERKILL, HEADHUNTER and RAMPAGE shit bloody rocks!
And of course the maps are unique! Some of them are totally trippy and shit.