F1 High Res Patch, Can't set custom res

The Iconoclast

First time out of the vault
All the standard resolutions seem to work fine, but whenever I try to enter a custom resolution, I get the "can't initialize [my custom resolution]" message. Anyone else have this problem? Better yet, does anyone have a solution? I've gone through all the read me's and tooled around with the configuration files, but to no avail.

Oh, and uh...hello world!
Your limited to what your monitor/video combo can support, which will probably be whatever's in the list. For Fallout1 the custom settings can come in handy on some systems where the list doesn't generate properly.
That's weird. My graphics card and monitor handle custom resolutions just fine. I just wanted to use 960 x 540 (perfect balance between detail and zoom, I think). I'm sure I could dial in that resolution on my graphics card and it'd work. Also, the resolutions list has multiples of certain resolutions (like 640 x 480 and 800 x 600...it lists them twice). Does that mean anything? Thanks for responding. Honored to have the mod's own author assisting me.

Wow...my monitor CAN'T in fact do 960 x 540. My card can create the custom resolution...but I don't think my monitor accepts it because it never appears in the selectable list of resolutions. Interesting. Anyway, thanks again for your help.
I don't have either Fallout installed right now on this comp (I know right?), but I recall being able to set the actual display resolution separately from what the game used. So my monitor would use 1920x1200 to display 960x600. I think I had to set one thing in sfall's .ini and the other in the res patch .ini. Or was this just for F2 and not possible for F1?
Your thinking of sfall for fallout2 where you have that option. The old version of sfall for fallout1 doesn't play nice with the hi-res patch.
Mash said:
Your thinking of sfall for fallout2 where you have that option. The old version of sfall for fallout1 doesn't play nice with the hi-res patch.
I see you've updated your res patches to a new version and it's just about perfect. Loving the timer for splash screens and fix for them glitching out! Will go nicely with my extra splash screens once they're all finished. :clap: :mrgreen:


Now all we need is for Timeslip to make the newest sFall work for Fallout 1, and Fallout 1 will be a force to br reckoned with :twisted:

Thanks for your hard work! :notworthy: