[F2]Editing few things..

Little Psycho

First time out of the vault
Hi everyone! I'm new to these forums as well to Fallout 2, I only have played the F3 and F:NV games, but as soon as I started playing F2 I thought both F3 and NV were total commerce and aren't worth playing at all. The only reason they are alive is mods, IMO.

Ok, back on the topic. I would like to know, how do I edit scripts in F2, y'know, the scripts ending on .int.
Or simplier: What I would like to do would be to: introduce new perk every new level instead of each 3 levels, increase the base Action Points, and change level bump base to a smaller number, as I like levelling quickly. I mostly care about the last and the second one, I even doubt the first one is possible.

If someone could gimme some tips it would be very appreciated, dudes. I hope this forum is still alive, F2 is probably the best game I even played.
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Poland.

Fallout 2 is a very easy game. making yourself level up faster, get perks each level AND have more APs will break it entirely and it will move from very easy to trivially easy. Unless you're also planning to increase the game's difficulty a lot via modding, it's not the best thing to do for gameplay :)
some people like playing that way,suite yourself,fo2 is not boring to me(then again,i always play with my difficulty mod)

DForge: Yes I made it much difficult, mostly by making weapons more lethal and hardcore :P and I think it's 'nuff.

Nirran, now what does sfall has to do with my questions?...I already have it installed, all it does is small tweaks to engine, can't mod the scripts with it and such.
EDIT: Didn't saw it was possible to edit those kind of things in the sfall's .ini! Thanks alot my man!
sfall has tons of functions added allowing editing of the int files(after they are decompiled),will need a decompiler and a compiler to alter them,check my mod site prolly has everything you want(cept the compiler but that is on sfall page for download[the modder pack])
