F2 - How to get Ms. Bishop pregnant ?


First time out of the vault
I want to have the Tribals Arise ending so I slept with Ms Bishop but when I talk to her after that I can't find the dialogue option to say she should move on with her life. I can only ask her questions about her husband and family or ask her to have sex again.

Any clue please ?
I have IN 10 (high on mentats) so that can't be the problem.

from a walkthrough: "If you sleep with Mrs Bishop after Mr Bishop has passed on, ask about her family and tell her she should move on (IN 7) for 1000 xp. "

So I guess it's the "after Mr Bishop has passed on" part I don't get.

Help plz :(
Yeah, to "pass on" means to die. Looks like a pretty cool walkthrough though