F2 in 1 1/2 hours


White heterosexual male
Hehe. I just finished Fallout 2 in 1 1/2 hours! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, in a meagre 1 1/2 hours. Ran through the Temple Of Trials and went straight to San Francisco. Stole enough Gauss Rifles and money to buy a suit of PA, some Psycho and enough Super Stimpacks to kill Ken Lee so AHS-9 would give me a ready to go tanker (took enough Psycho to be dumb). Entered the Enclave, took the GECK and passed the maze, killed the President with Super Stimpacks, told the scientist to shut down the reactor, talked with Sergeant Granite, used the Presidential Pass and killed Horrigan with the help of the turrets! Ha! Done in 1 1/2 hours!

Well, just thought I'd tell you guys. Has anyone ever beaten the game in less than that?
Celestial said:
Well, Per in his guide states that you can do it in just half an hour. I never tried it though. Will you?

Yeah, in half an hour IF you hurry. The thing is: half an hour is unrealistic. I basically followed Per's route, but once you get to SF, you need to get your hands on 10 Super Stimpacks to kill Ken Lee and in my game the shopkeepers in town and on the tanker unfortunately didn't have any. So I had to rest for a couple of days, leave the map and check their goods again. That alone (getting my hands on 10 Super Stims) took me about half an hour. Other time-consuming things were: the trip from Arroyo to SF (random encounters à volonté which I had to flee from), stealing around to obtain enough loot to buy a suit of PA with, the maze in the Enclave (grrr...).

Nah, finishing the game in half an hour is quite impossible imo. Let's say I've tried it, but it just took me an extra hour...

Next thing I'll do: I'll start a new game, but not finish it at all. Yeah, I'll just wander around for 13 years until the game says 'The End'. Hehe.
I once did it in 40 mins.
It was a year ago, but from what I remember I had a dumb characther that had steal, HtH, and energy weapons taged.
I went to sanfran, got the navaro quest, stole enough for the PA and extra gauss ammo, went to navarro, snuck and stole the verti plans, went to lower level got the APA and most of the armoury, shot the guard by the elevator in the head (got a critical, good night gracy) ran into the hallway and headshoted everyone as they came after me, Grabbed the most expensive weapons, killed the doc and took the keycard, let the DC out, left to the gas station, went back to san fran (took 2-4 reloads), got VERY lucky and got the shuttle encounter so I got the stims, the brotherhood guy had set up the boat for me, so I went on it to Enclave after buying a LOT of superstims and ammo for my pulse rifle and my gauss rifle, since I had APA noone attacked me, I super stimed the president to death, then I did the reactor thing after taking mentats, I took more mentats and talked the Enclave troopers that warn me about Horrigon into joining me, we proceded to kill horrigon, I targeted his arms then his legs with my pulse rifle (he seemed to be most vulnerble to pulse fire), I damaged one arm so he attaked HtH, I then targeted legs, made him immobile and he was killed (he had 200-300 HP left around then, so he became a major waste of ammo)

I once beat in in 20 minutes without rushing. I saved right before entering the temple of trials, Alt+Tab'd and used the FalChe2 prog to get all 10's and 300's and 999 cary weight 500 HP and all kinds of crap and stuff, reload my save game, sneak right by everything, talk the guy out of the fight, go to klamath, get armour drugs Etc, Save, Alt+Tab, open my F2ie2 program, change my armour to APAmk2, give myself a dual minigun and a lot of ammo, change stims to hypos and made quanity a lot of 9's, got 100 super stims, the parts you needed to reactivate the boat, went cleaned out boats hold, saved the chic, went to repair the NavCom, talked to chics boyfrind, got him to give boat fuel, went to enclave, stimed the pres+got passkey, made scientest blow place, got goon squad to join me (didnt need to, but so what), as soon as I saw horrigon hit A went into combat, I had 200 AP but didnt need them as my first shot did damage someware in the 3000 range (it was 3000, I froget what was the hundreds, tens and ones place), I left and went home hapily ever after.
20 mins 44 secs and.
What about the endings? Are there towns mentioned that you didn't visit? And what the fun of completing the game that way?
Err, completing the game? I wouldn't say you're completing anything by running through it like a maniac. Actually, Fallout should have a percentage check of how much of the game you have finished, like they have in GTA 3. And that's not even an RPG!
Although you can play it as action/shooter, you might get more out of the game playing it as RPG?
baby ghoul said:
And what's the fun of completing the game that way?

Hm. It's just nice it's possible to do such a thing in Fallout 2. That's all. I've played the game so many times already that I don't have the feeling I missed anything by imitating the Road Runner and trying to finish it in as little time as possible. You should try it out once yourself, 'cause it's not as simple as it might look.