F2 Mod request - NPC Burst Mode: NEVER!

Thank you for the explanation.

I just tried it out a bit now, and it seems to work for so far it is able to. Seems that perks and spare skill points are taken over when pressing “C”. Not sure about the rest. I assume the perks are also taken over during normal play?

Will setting ControlCombat to 2 or 1 have any “unmeant” effects on character development?
For the most part, any perks, tag skills or skill points you choose are carried over to your companions. So it makes the combat a bit one sided, especially considering the other critters still run directly to you and have no finer understandings of cover, aimed shots or even the combat world in which they operate. In short, the AI is still your bitch, but now you have a party of 3-4 super soldiers with your very self aware, hyper intelligent and nearly Ares-like understanding of battle. I usually go through the game and add more enemies, or more higher level enemies to balance the difficulty back out.

If you tag energy weapons, Cassidy and Vic become Gods among men with Plasma and Laser Rifles. 250+ skill. Once you get them some Power armor, your crew is definitely over powered.

Just keep in mind that if you decide to distribute your skill points to your companions only do so once they hit max level, as each time they level up their stats reset to whatever their particular level calls for.
Thanks for the info.

If you tag energy weapons, Cassidy and Vic become Gods among men with Plasma and Laser Rifles. 250+ skill. Once you get them some Power armor, your crew is definitely over powered.

Is this also when ControlCombat is set to 0?

Btw, I have set it back to 0. Controlling you party seems to remove the charm of the companion autonomy. Still, a “never” option would be a nice addition as currently the "Be absolutely sure you won't hit me" doesn’t work well. I had Cass wasting Vic a couple of times from back.
No matter what character you are controlling, they share your perks, traits and tagged skills. If you were to completely control combat even a Deathclaw would have the "Slayer" perk.... very devastating.
No matter what character you are controlling, they share your perks, traits and tagged skills. If you were to completely control combat even a Deathclaw would have the "Slayer" perk.... very devastating.

At the latest version sfall 3.6 made some major changes in relation to 3.3 ?
We read in the readme file - "Rewrote npc combat control from scratch, with many bug fixes and improvements"
What has changed for the better ?
Still NPC share your perks, traits and tagged skills ?
No matter what character you are controlling, they share your perks, traits and tagged skills. If you were to completely control combat even a Deathclaw would have the "Slayer" perk.... very devastating.

At the latest version sfall 3.6 made some major changes in relation to 3.3 ?
We read in the readme file - "Rewrote npc combat control from scratch, with many bug fixes and improvements"
What has changed for the better ?
Still NPC share your perks, traits and tagged skills ?
My experience says that 3.5 did not share one's traits with the companions, but the tag skills carrying over matters little to me because them critters have specialized skills. Maybe it's possible to work around getting perks through Sulik exploits by checking dude_obj's statistics instead of PID_SULIK and the like?