as the title indicates I was once an Orderite. back then I went by the name Bane but I doubt many of the current Orderites still know me or have even heard of me.
anyway, lately I've been replaying the Fallout games tweaked with some Mods an’ stuff. this sparked my curiousity about Fallout 3 anew. sadly there wasn't much to read about it except those design docs of the now canned Van Buren.
those got me thinkin' about what I personally would want F3 to look and more importantly play like. now I should propably note that I'm a really big fan of the series but I don't count myself as a hardcore fanatic so some of my suggestions may not be that reasonable to some.
anyway, here goes:
- this is a no-brainer but still should be mentioned: Fer god's sake, no Morrowind/Fallout mod kinda thing!
- keep the classic Fallout isometric view... but perhaps with a possibility to zoom in some?
- keep it TBC (Turn-Based-Combat, but you knew that, right?)
- approx. 30-40 years after F2
- Mid-West (like Van Buren was gonna be); no particular reason really, just personal preference since I spent a year in Colorado some years ago
there's not much I wanna say about a possible story as I don't think I'm all that creative there, however there's a couple of things involving the story element I wanna mention -- which is why I included this category.
- politics: there's a thread here at NMA that had a lively discussion about politics in Fallout. while it seemed that many were against it completly I must say I don't quite agree. then again, I don't want it to be a major factor of the game but I think that the wasteland has regained a certain measure of stability (if only in certain regions/cities) and hence politics would come naturally. in my opinion the struggle for controle opens many missions/conflicts for the player therefore it should be used in game.
- starting point: I believe it was the very same politics thread where someone also mentioned somethin' about the possibility of multiple starting points for our hero. I think that's a great idea but I'd like to build on it a wee bit. first I think there should be three to four "hometown choices" for the player before starting the game -- not that I wouldn't like more but I'm tryin' to be kinda realistic with the whole thing here. each possible starting point would present the character with some skill bonuses or exclusive perks. for example someone from a region like San Fran would have some unarmed and scientific boni. there should possibly be a choice of an "agressive town" -- which offers combat boni, a "balanced town" -- which offers multiple but smaller boni, and a "friendly town" -- which offers diplomatic boni.
- Anarchy vs Government / Freedom
- Faith (a touchy subject I know)
- Wrong vs Right -- however I do think that here there's a lot of room for (as they called it on Van Buren) "Emotional Porn". make the choices hard. show that there's hardly ever a absolute right or wrong. as you may recall the Fallout series always had "reasonable" bad guys since they were simply following their belief.
- to keep in the realm of reality I'd say stick to Human characters; I think adding other races would create a huge amount of extra work... of course if they could pull it off that'd be awesome.
Character Creation/Appereance
I always felt that in a good RPG needs to have a lot of options when creating the main character to increase you connection to the ingame person. hence:
- possibilty to chose height/weight of your character
- male or female
- skin color
- beards, haircuts (+ color), tattooes, scars; this possibly linked to changing/adding stuff as the game progresses
- more stuff under ARMOR
- Teachers: add people who can boost your skill percentage for the major skills by 5-10% -- once! possibility for quests to get them to teach you
- more stuff under NPCs
- Teachers: kinda the same as skills but they should propably have some requirements (as in skill percentage outdoorsman must be min. 75%; or a quest) to obtain a certain, possibly exclusive perk
- example (exclusive) Perk: Modder; Allows the player to modify certain firearms depending on the level of the Perk.
- more stuff under NPCs
- not much here, Karma should be "intesified". postive or negative karma should affect most (major) characters you meet during the game
General/Misc. Stuff
okay, now I'm quite sure that not all will agree on what my main suggestions for combat in F3 is... let's see.
- I feel that combat in F3 should be more like combat in the "Jagged Alliance" games. more AP (Action Points, but you knew that one too, didn't ya?) to allow more tactical depth. I never like how in the end combat usually turned out that the two forces were simply standin' still an' shot until everybody of the other team was dead. I want to be able to fire once, run for cover, crouch, force them to come closer or takin' risky shots. of course the AI would need to be good enough to make use of the enviroment as well.
- no bullet-dodge animation. hit or miss
- more events where you have to fight unarmed or with meele weapons. perhaps a fight tourney as seen in the movie "Unleashed - Danny The Dog"? this does seem like an approriate kind of "entertainment" in the Wasteland
- more stuff under NPCs
- weapon progression needs to be reasonable. example: I never liked how I was able (or so to speak tempted) to obtain a Super Sledge for Sulik by takin' a caravan out of Redding because afterwards he was a freakin' ass-kickin'-machine.
- please no Ultimate Weapon, give the player a choice between two to three similar weapons that he/she can chose from. this is basically yet another thing to increase the player/character bond as I always liked to use shotguns for example.
- make laser pistols more powerful. this in a sense that they should have a big bonus against leather armor (or weaker armor). by the time you get your hands on one in F2 your basic weapons were far more useful.
- make laser weapons rare
- ammo should be rather rare too
- reasonable progression
- make the choice of armor difficult by adding boni and anti-boni (I dunno the correct english term here; but you know, skill reductions an' such) that make the player think twice if he really wants/needs Metal Armor over a Leather Armor Mk II because of the (example) Sneak reduction with the Metal Armor.
- I'd like to see seperate pieces for: Torso, Legs, Hands (Gloves) and Head, as this adds to the factor that you can personlize your character
- a small range of color choices perhaps?
- certain items should be especially wanted in certain cities/areas and therefore get you a better deal by selling them there. for example: there's a small city that had all it's crops stolen by raiders so they're willing to pay you more than usual for fresh fruit (like the apples from F1+2) or are prepared to give you a discount in their shops in exchange for some fruit.
General/Misc. Stuff
- NPCs should change appereance with the Armor they're wearing, kinda like with the "B-Team Mod" but of course without suddenly adding a full head of hair to Cassidy when he puts on Metal Armor. now you may ask why do I add such a cosmetic little detail to this since most of my other suggestion directly relate to gameplay... simple... for coolness. I mean, c'mon, how cool is it when you walk into a city with yourself in Combat Armor and your NPCs all in Leather Armor Mk II for example.
- this next point relates directly to Combat. this actually makes them only partial NPCs since my suggestion is to give the player full control over his allies during combat. in my opinion the main character would speak to his comrades after each battle to tell them how they could improve their team tactics. for example: I was kinda forced to give Marcus single shot weapons since I had Sulik with me and with a minigun he'd just rape Sulik standin' in the middle of the foes. givin' your allies burst-capable weapons was always somethin' I avoided in F1+2
- your comrades should also gain Perks (perhaps not that often tho'. like every 4 levels even if they're not "Gifted") and Skill points
- there should be at least as many NPCs as there were in F2 if not more (depending on the scale of the game of course... which I obviously hope is gonna be freakin' epic)
- when a NPC joins you late in the game you should be, to some extent, able to level him/her up so he/she isn't just rejected because of the NPCs who've been travellin' with you this far.
- D.o.g.m.e.a.t. - 'nuff said
- a lot... a simple as that
- connections between cities. for example people with origins in different cities/regions. this would open quest possibilities and also a breeding ground for "emotional porn"
- dynamic locations. have them change over the course of the game. when the player does good show that his/her surroundings respond to that. for example by additional law enforcement, new shops, etc. if a character is generally evil and just kills his/her way through towns then add some wolves, radscorpion and perhaps scavengers when he/she returns to the city who’re looting or in case of the animals feeding on the fallen.
World Map
- simple. don't change it.
- if you don't loot your fallen foes after combat they should be looted once you leave the area by others
- if I kill someone with a aimed shot to the eyes I don't want to see half of his/her torso explode -- that was still my favorite death animation tho’... but you see what I'm tryin' to say
- Gun shops should only accept Weapons and money as payment, Doctors/Pharmacists only medical supplies and money, etc. this adds a bit more realism to the game. this of course would require that every major city has a Gun Shop, Pharmacy/Doctors Office, General Store and a Bar
- while I favor adding realism to the gameplay I think bein’ required to eat/drink/sleep, etc would be too much
well, that's all I can think of right now. if anythin' pops up I'll add it.
feel free to comment on any of my suggestions -- but please try to be articulate about it and not get into a "OMG, your liek ztupid! your liek not make zense!" kinda thing. thank you for your time...
P.S. Please remember to cover your anus when Orderites are around.
anyway, lately I've been replaying the Fallout games tweaked with some Mods an’ stuff. this sparked my curiousity about Fallout 3 anew. sadly there wasn't much to read about it except those design docs of the now canned Van Buren.
those got me thinkin' about what I personally would want F3 to look and more importantly play like. now I should propably note that I'm a really big fan of the series but I don't count myself as a hardcore fanatic so some of my suggestions may not be that reasonable to some.
anyway, here goes:
- this is a no-brainer but still should be mentioned: Fer god's sake, no Morrowind/Fallout mod kinda thing!
- keep the classic Fallout isometric view... but perhaps with a possibility to zoom in some?
- keep it TBC (Turn-Based-Combat, but you knew that, right?)
- approx. 30-40 years after F2
- Mid-West (like Van Buren was gonna be); no particular reason really, just personal preference since I spent a year in Colorado some years ago
there's not much I wanna say about a possible story as I don't think I'm all that creative there, however there's a couple of things involving the story element I wanna mention -- which is why I included this category.
- politics: there's a thread here at NMA that had a lively discussion about politics in Fallout. while it seemed that many were against it completly I must say I don't quite agree. then again, I don't want it to be a major factor of the game but I think that the wasteland has regained a certain measure of stability (if only in certain regions/cities) and hence politics would come naturally. in my opinion the struggle for controle opens many missions/conflicts for the player therefore it should be used in game.
- starting point: I believe it was the very same politics thread where someone also mentioned somethin' about the possibility of multiple starting points for our hero. I think that's a great idea but I'd like to build on it a wee bit. first I think there should be three to four "hometown choices" for the player before starting the game -- not that I wouldn't like more but I'm tryin' to be kinda realistic with the whole thing here. each possible starting point would present the character with some skill bonuses or exclusive perks. for example someone from a region like San Fran would have some unarmed and scientific boni. there should possibly be a choice of an "agressive town" -- which offers combat boni, a "balanced town" -- which offers multiple but smaller boni, and a "friendly town" -- which offers diplomatic boni.
- Anarchy vs Government / Freedom
- Faith (a touchy subject I know)
- Wrong vs Right -- however I do think that here there's a lot of room for (as they called it on Van Buren) "Emotional Porn". make the choices hard. show that there's hardly ever a absolute right or wrong. as you may recall the Fallout series always had "reasonable" bad guys since they were simply following their belief.
- to keep in the realm of reality I'd say stick to Human characters; I think adding other races would create a huge amount of extra work... of course if they could pull it off that'd be awesome.
Character Creation/Appereance
I always felt that in a good RPG needs to have a lot of options when creating the main character to increase you connection to the ingame person. hence:
- possibilty to chose height/weight of your character
- male or female
- skin color
- beards, haircuts (+ color), tattooes, scars; this possibly linked to changing/adding stuff as the game progresses
- more stuff under ARMOR
- Teachers: add people who can boost your skill percentage for the major skills by 5-10% -- once! possibility for quests to get them to teach you
- more stuff under NPCs
- Teachers: kinda the same as skills but they should propably have some requirements (as in skill percentage outdoorsman must be min. 75%; or a quest) to obtain a certain, possibly exclusive perk
- example (exclusive) Perk: Modder; Allows the player to modify certain firearms depending on the level of the Perk.
- more stuff under NPCs
- not much here, Karma should be "intesified". postive or negative karma should affect most (major) characters you meet during the game
General/Misc. Stuff
okay, now I'm quite sure that not all will agree on what my main suggestions for combat in F3 is... let's see.
- I feel that combat in F3 should be more like combat in the "Jagged Alliance" games. more AP (Action Points, but you knew that one too, didn't ya?) to allow more tactical depth. I never like how in the end combat usually turned out that the two forces were simply standin' still an' shot until everybody of the other team was dead. I want to be able to fire once, run for cover, crouch, force them to come closer or takin' risky shots. of course the AI would need to be good enough to make use of the enviroment as well.
- no bullet-dodge animation. hit or miss
- more events where you have to fight unarmed or with meele weapons. perhaps a fight tourney as seen in the movie "Unleashed - Danny The Dog"? this does seem like an approriate kind of "entertainment" in the Wasteland
- more stuff under NPCs
- weapon progression needs to be reasonable. example: I never liked how I was able (or so to speak tempted) to obtain a Super Sledge for Sulik by takin' a caravan out of Redding because afterwards he was a freakin' ass-kickin'-machine.
- please no Ultimate Weapon, give the player a choice between two to three similar weapons that he/she can chose from. this is basically yet another thing to increase the player/character bond as I always liked to use shotguns for example.
- make laser pistols more powerful. this in a sense that they should have a big bonus against leather armor (or weaker armor). by the time you get your hands on one in F2 your basic weapons were far more useful.
- make laser weapons rare
- ammo should be rather rare too
- reasonable progression
- make the choice of armor difficult by adding boni and anti-boni (I dunno the correct english term here; but you know, skill reductions an' such) that make the player think twice if he really wants/needs Metal Armor over a Leather Armor Mk II because of the (example) Sneak reduction with the Metal Armor.
- I'd like to see seperate pieces for: Torso, Legs, Hands (Gloves) and Head, as this adds to the factor that you can personlize your character
- a small range of color choices perhaps?
- certain items should be especially wanted in certain cities/areas and therefore get you a better deal by selling them there. for example: there's a small city that had all it's crops stolen by raiders so they're willing to pay you more than usual for fresh fruit (like the apples from F1+2) or are prepared to give you a discount in their shops in exchange for some fruit.
General/Misc. Stuff
- NPCs should change appereance with the Armor they're wearing, kinda like with the "B-Team Mod" but of course without suddenly adding a full head of hair to Cassidy when he puts on Metal Armor. now you may ask why do I add such a cosmetic little detail to this since most of my other suggestion directly relate to gameplay... simple... for coolness. I mean, c'mon, how cool is it when you walk into a city with yourself in Combat Armor and your NPCs all in Leather Armor Mk II for example.
- this next point relates directly to Combat. this actually makes them only partial NPCs since my suggestion is to give the player full control over his allies during combat. in my opinion the main character would speak to his comrades after each battle to tell them how they could improve their team tactics. for example: I was kinda forced to give Marcus single shot weapons since I had Sulik with me and with a minigun he'd just rape Sulik standin' in the middle of the foes. givin' your allies burst-capable weapons was always somethin' I avoided in F1+2
- your comrades should also gain Perks (perhaps not that often tho'. like every 4 levels even if they're not "Gifted") and Skill points
- there should be at least as many NPCs as there were in F2 if not more (depending on the scale of the game of course... which I obviously hope is gonna be freakin' epic)
- when a NPC joins you late in the game you should be, to some extent, able to level him/her up so he/she isn't just rejected because of the NPCs who've been travellin' with you this far.
- D.o.g.m.e.a.t. - 'nuff said
- a lot... a simple as that
- connections between cities. for example people with origins in different cities/regions. this would open quest possibilities and also a breeding ground for "emotional porn"
- dynamic locations. have them change over the course of the game. when the player does good show that his/her surroundings respond to that. for example by additional law enforcement, new shops, etc. if a character is generally evil and just kills his/her way through towns then add some wolves, radscorpion and perhaps scavengers when he/she returns to the city who’re looting or in case of the animals feeding on the fallen.
World Map
- simple. don't change it.
- if you don't loot your fallen foes after combat they should be looted once you leave the area by others
- if I kill someone with a aimed shot to the eyes I don't want to see half of his/her torso explode -- that was still my favorite death animation tho’... but you see what I'm tryin' to say
- Gun shops should only accept Weapons and money as payment, Doctors/Pharmacists only medical supplies and money, etc. this adds a bit more realism to the game. this of course would require that every major city has a Gun Shop, Pharmacy/Doctors Office, General Store and a Bar
- while I favor adding realism to the gameplay I think bein’ required to eat/drink/sleep, etc would be too much
well, that's all I can think of right now. if anythin' pops up I'll add it.
feel free to comment on any of my suggestions -- but please try to be articulate about it and not get into a "OMG, your liek ztupid! your liek not make zense!" kinda thing. thank you for your time...
P.S. Please remember to cover your anus when Orderites are around.