I beat Fable about three weeks ago.
The story is nothing special, hero, villain, takes away his family, villain tries to take over the world but needs you, lalala bla bla bla...
been there, done that. So there is no real depth, or real character development in story... I had a feeling that things were moving tooo fast, like the story was written just because it has to have some sort of excuse for hack & slash.
Game is too short. But I mean, really too short. You know, really really short. Dunno why, but it's trend of somekind... short games... well, they suck, people. God damn, i could play BG2 for weeks, with all the sidequests, and I finished this one in about 15 hours ( first and last time trough). Quests are pretty much linear and unimaginative, sometimes boring. You finish them just because you have to, not because you want to. You think that by gaining reputation you will get some badass quests, but no... boring "save my brother/sister/bitch thing.
Combat system and monsters also suck. Nevermind the unimaginative and stupid monsters, combat is all about 2 or three spells ( timestop, multistrike + your great axe, or some area effect spell like flamestrike ( or whatever it's his name ) ), and monsters will just run into death. It's not bravery, it's being stupid as hell.
Graphic is really nice, you can tell that the game is developed for consoles basically.
Reputation and evil/good thing is also good, it could be more, a lot more...
The aging thing is not so good, when I finished the game my character was old man with 60 years, and Thunder was still young like he was at the beginning of the game.
One thing i really liked about the game was Demon Doors. especially it wasn't just about "kill 666 monsters and enter", but because you had to think to get in. And some of them were fun ( like that one that wants you to give him a rose... ).