Faction joined in NV?

Maybe that was done for the sake of storytelling. You cant please everyone and someone will get the shaft.

If you go with Yes Man he tells you that you can keep the BOS even though they are likely to become a future threat.

So, while the Courier's human nature (if you play it that way) might ally with the BOS, House's logic will not take the chance and wipe out any thing that threats his cause.
SnapSlav said:
Actually, he said very bluntly at the end that due to the programming in House's network, Yes Man was going to reprogram himself into being "more assertive". Essentially he was going to replace Mr. House, entirely, the only difference that he'd try to work towards the goals he and the Courier had established to begin with. But what it would ultimately mean was left entirely ambiguous.


Like BFox17 said, Sawyer explained it to us.

CthuluIsSpy said:
BFox17 said:
House is sorta okay in my mind, but I don't like the endings that occur from House winning; like the Kings in Freeside being wiped out simply because they didn't attack NCR citizens (along with House trying to increase his control over the area), the BOS being massacred, the Strip being coldly run, people who are poor end up getting poorer and the rich getting richer. House is refusing to let go of the Old World.

That depends on your actions in the game. If you side with pacer for one of the King's missions, Mr.House actually takes a liking towards the kings.

From the wiki

[spoiler:72a84affbf]During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, some Kings took it upon themselves to launch several attacks on NCR citizens and soldiers around Freeside. Mr. House looked on these actions favorably, seeing them as proof of The Kings' loyalty to New Vegas, and decided to leave them alone. [/spoiler:72a84affbf]

I do agree that it's a bit annoying that he doesn't allow for negotiations with the BOS.

I'm aware that House will leave the Kings alone provided you act differently during G.I blues and incite war between the Kings and NCR, but I don't want to start a war between them two, I want them to be friendly towards each-other. House doesn't like them being friends apparently, and so he tries to take Freeside away to expand his control. Needless to say the Kings get wiped out because I tried to be a good guy. No thanks. Forget House.
I went with Mr. House, he has plans for the future of mankind. Under his rule, mankind may have a better future.

Yes Man is the next Skynet, so I wouldn't side with him.

NCR is my next choice, but as Mr. House says, "If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows."

I'd never, ever, ever side with the Legion. Slaver assholes. It was a pleasure killing Caesar with Boone's help.
First time around I went NCR, because I felt bad that they didn't have a cool casino. I mean, it looked like they dropped a Station casino* on The Strip then emptied it out. Actually, I was just dying to see how those fractured mofos would play out.

(* For those who dunno, Station casinos are a chain that are aimed more at locals. They have food courts, a movie theater and usually a good buffet. They're big & nice, but not the Bellagio or Ultra Luxe. Basically locals go, drop their kids off at the ball pit, get drunk bowling then play keno.)

Second time I went Yes Man, which I figured would have the most chaotic outcome thanks to the flimsy appearance of neutrality. ("I'm not with anybody but this secret robot, dig? We're cool politically, right? Eh? Guys?")

The game I have going now that I chip at? House, though I kinda killed Cesar so he's miffed. I just wanna make posters with Michael Angelo and find more weird hookers for a living.
I sided with Caesar once, and I regretted it when the ending slides came up. That being said, I mostly side with NCR.
I went with the New california republic. I know but looking at the options i have there are. Slavers,techno maniacs, or let it all go to hell, I pick the ncr over those other options. I know there are taxes and corruption but they are not a biggoted faction that kills ghouls and muties first ask questions later. In fact ghouls and even mutants make up some of the ncrs best rangers out there. So its ncr all the way.
There's something to be said for smashing the state. Blow up the robots, destroy the dam, and laugh at everyone else.

I've given each of the factions their fair shake, and inevitable usually side with House or Yes Man, because the NCR and the Legion weren't very likable. Or sympathetic. Neither faction ever really made me care about them, or why they should win, whereas House was upfront and interesting, and playing for yourself, is, well, playing for yourself.
Pretty much all of them besides the NCR, House being my first choice.

The only time I'd join the NCR is when I want to push max level really quick, as the abundance of quests that the ass backwards incompetent nation of costumers needs is staggering. I also disagree about the legion being boring, I find NCR to be the most dull of the factions, they lack the charisma and interesting larger than life characters that the other 3 sides have, essentially you work for a bunch of half wit really boring people who all disagree with each other. NCR is definitely quantity over quality.

Generally I'll side with them early on for the perks,(Tons of ammo) and crush them later for the lulz.

And what's with the spear chucking crap? Last I checked the legion was armed with 12.27 mm and chainsaws.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Their biggest failure was not letting you fully align with the Followers

Sorry, but how's that supposed to work? Followers are ok folks, but they just don't have something that takes to rule Vegas. I mean... balls. King is right when he says "Just don't ask Julie what to do, she will probably tell you to hug someone, or something like that". This is not how it works. Greenpeace are somewhat cute (at first sight), sometimes they do some good - but I wouldn't even dream (except of a worst nightmare) of having them in a full power.

I usually end up going the Yes Man way. Skynet? Last time I've checked it was NCR-type guys who were to blame for the War. BTW, I'm 100% agree with the analysis Benny gives you at fort about all factions: the only thing that good about NCR is that they are not a Legion. Mr. House is an old fart. who is out of touch with reality and just tries to preserve Vegas like it's some pack of milk, etc.
I usually go with the NCR. All things considered, they have done a good job with California, which is implied to be relatively rebuilt, and they generally want to do good. They might be imperialist, they might be unlikable, they might be naive, but at least they based their ideology on a system that worked pre-war. And yes, Caesar and House base their ideologies on pre-war systems, but those systems are either horribly subverted (in Caesar's case), or executed horribly (in House's case).

I also go with the independent route some times, because it's fun to reshape the Mojave as you see fit. It also allows for the 'best' ending in the game.
Legion (just pickpocket 50 NCR tags and you can get liked without pissing off the NCR)
NCR at the same time
House until I get tired of him
Stab all of them in the back once I've bled them dry.
NCR all the way. Sure they are corrupt and imperialistic, but so was the usa and look how they were living before the war. Every civilization falls, thinking that the next one will somehow be immune to human nature seems stupid to me.
I joined House.

He was logical and had a plan, a good plan, a plan that would work, he really was a long term solution for The Mojave.

Some say he is a dictator, but that is shot down by him saying he honestly could not care what people do in their personal lives, he does not care about their beliefs, they can get on with their lives.

House is one of the best endings, with Good Karma Independent being second to that.
AlphaPromethean said:
Some say he is a dictator, but that is shot down by him saying he honestly could not care what people do in their personal lives, he does not care about their beliefs, they can get on with their lives.
Dictatorships has nothing to do with personal lives, has to do with political lives. As far as they don't have a choice about what is done with Mojave, they're not living in a state of right. He is a dictator because he wants to have the first and the last word on Mojave.
Oppen said:
Dictatorships has nothing to do with personal lives, has to do with political lives. As far as they don't have a choice about what is done with Mojave, they're not living in a state of right. He is a dictator because he wants to have the first and the last word on Mojave.

Dictatorships throughout the ages beg to differ.
My current playthrough is fun, I'm basically considering myself a follower of the apocalypse "member". I've played both the NCR and Legion against eachother, and gotten very far in the game without having either faction hostile. I've completed nearly every faction sidequest and just alternate who I work for.

I guess I'll have to support the NCR in the end, but I think I'll tell the Enclave remnants to support the Legion -_-.