Failed Entry Read


First time out of the vault
So I'm in the editor and it refuses to open select items, specifically the medical enhancers like 1st Aid kits and doctor bags. For some odd reason 2mmEC ammo as well. I get the failed entry read notice trying to open them. Won't let me put any of these things in a character or vehicle inventory either.

It was a new game install. Ran 1.27 patch, ran Booster, ran patch again because help thread said to do that. The last was the only thing I did new this time because I saw the advice to do so recently in the pinned thread advising it.

I didn't have this problem in my last install when I didn't run the patch again. I'm ready to chalk it up as bad advice and start over but decided to ask if anyone has seen this issue before and knows about it.
I've done this before. The only thing different this time was running the 1.27 patch again after running Booster, because the pinned thread recommended doing it before and after.

So I'll just start over and ignore that bad advice.

I realize it is boring extra work, but those pinned advice threads are past their freshness date. The links to archive threads are bad too at times. Finally, the older archived downloads are getting sloppy and broken. Lots of old downloads are just gone. Anyone camped on old download tools or mods on their pc might consider uploading that stuff to the new download section.

I can see that some modders won't feel responsible about that. It's not really their burden, honestly. But anyone who has designs to be a moderator for this board should accept that burden of cleaning that stuff up.

In the meantime, someone needs to include a caveat emptor warning on that stuff. A quick note that old advice might not be the best advice.