Fair Fax Ruins, Fort Independce


First time out of the vault
So im at like level 5, I've played the game before at a friends house on his 360, now i have it for pc. I relocated the Fairfax ruins, and there were alot of raiders with stronger weapons than what i have. So i tried to find a way to just pick one of at a time.

As i was walking around the village i found Fort Independence, and there were 2 brotherhood soldiers. I figured they would kill the raiders if i brought them to them. It ended up working marvelous, but in the process one of the guards got killed. I walked to his body and found out i couldn't pick up his power armor. How can i get this at an early level....???

BTW. its Outcast Power Armor.
You should be able to pick it up, but it won't help you, as you need Power Armour Training and that necessitates going through the main quest.
Anyway I can get the training this early in the game. I haven't even entered Megaton yet, I just wanted to stock up on ammo as soon as I could. That's why I'm this far in the game.
not so much shoehorning you into the main quest (even though it does facilitate that) as much as a way to prevent players walking around with power armor on at level 5.

however power armor is a bit gimped in FO3, so having that is not as much as an advantage as finding it super early on in FO 1 & 2.
Yeah, I noticed PA is pretty crap. Of course, I kinda liked the change of pace of not going straight for it. But I'm also playing a stealth character (or trying to), and PA negatively affects that.
yea i kinda figured that. I was reading tho that there are some other armors. that are similiar but without you having to go get trained
The recon armor is pretty good. However the brotherhood/outcast armor is the only one, that I know of, that will give you a +2 ST bonus though with a -2 AG penalty (so will enclave power armor, but only +1 ST with a -1 AG penalty)
where can i find those, and will i have to deal with killing enclaves...
It's not Fallout2 where you can run in the beginning for the Adv. Power Armor anymore :D
Think you better first start play the game .... or else go cheating.

Recon armor can be bought in Megatown by Moira, Rivet City, Underworld, Tenppeny, Traders.... but not in the start of the game.
You have done some walking :D

There are more Power Armors with ST 2
Pull back behind a rock and shoot them in the head wenn come around :D

Snipe in the head long range, need "good" Small Guns skills. Instand kill. (Hard settings)

Use VATS for Heads, Nailboard wielding Mutant in the Legs, shoot the Minigun/Rocket Launcher out of his hands.

What more to say :D

Think you go play and see what happen.
tight, yea shooting their gun away is bad ass. It is annoying to fight them tho.. I cant believe btw, how easy it is to kill centaurs, considering they were kinda tough in Fallout 2
yep, killing centaurs and orcs.. sorry, mutants in FO3 is very easy..

hell I killed mutants in lvl 5 using grenades and SMG..
yea, just got some power armor, it really doesnt take that long. BTW, i love it when you think you have to fight some mutants and u can just pull them towards caravans.. i cant believe how strong that caravan protector is.

I was at citadel and i needed to go to get the plans for the project purity, earlier i used a cloak boy and walked around them because i didnt want to deal with them, but then i noticed some died after i got the mission at rivet city. and it was the caravan person.

Any idea why they are so strong?
munkeyboii said:
i cant believe how strong that caravan protector is.
Too true. I recall inching my way towards the Raiders at Kaelyn's B&B to stealthily pick them off from the distance. Suddenly, a group charged in my direction, although I was too far away for them to have noticed me. Then bullets seemingly flew out of nowhere and they died before closing in. Crow's caravan was passing through and it was his guard who rapidly dispatched them. I watched, amazed, as Raiders dropped all around me. Simply awesome.
Am I the only one who got Combat Armor almost immediately? I have had it for the entire game. Hmm..
Speebs said:
Am I the only one who got Combat Armor almost immediately? I have had it for the entire game. Hmm..

Yeah bought it from Moira after I had done the super market quest for her. Later exchanged it for Tesla.