Fallen Angel Episode 1

I kinda got bothered by the character design. Inorganic objects were pretty well drawn, much like a vector graphics presentation, but the characters were mediocre at best. The creator needs to work on getting those organic shapes and proportions right. Also, walking animation is atrocious. This is nothing like the trailer that came out years ago.
alec said:
You're right about the atmosphere in the intro of part 1: it's perfect. The third part rocks: take that Washingtom D.C.! Todd should see this.

A lot better than most modern day cartoons as well. You gotta love these 'amateurs' making stuff that's better than the garbage tv spits out for the masses.

Great stuff.

i agree, but, 80's-90's cartoons weren't bad at all like today's crap(with a few exceptions).

and D.C. got owned in part 3 :D
Cartoons of the 80's were terrible.

The 90's had Batman: The Animated Series which was good, but it also had Spider-Man: The Animated Series, in which Spider-Man was not allowed to be depicted punching anyone.

So sort of a mixed bag.
Scary and sad as hell. Thanks for linking this and please keep us updated.

So sad to think that if 1 person/country launches everyone is going to launch.
Wow. Classy, potent stuff.

Not overjoyed at the thought of several years' potential wait before the next installment though.