Fallen Earth reviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Post-apocalyptic MMO Fallen Earth has been getting a mixed reception. Rock, Paper, Shotgun.<blockquote>Wrapping and moulding Fallen Earth to fit three words would be easy; it’s just a matter of conjuring a certain picture in your head and pointing at it and saying ‘That! That’s basically it!’. Of course, that’d be incredibly unfair to the developers, and all but dismiss their game as a fan service. So it would be entirely wrong to call Fallen Earth Fallout: the MMO. But it’s the thought on your mind when you begin to play, and the niggle that stays with you throughout you playing, slowly fading to a dull impression, until it’s gone entirely.

Fallen Earth has all the staples that would make a Fallout MMO: it’s a post apocalyptic setting where you’re an outsider who has to learn the ways of the wasteland, and establish yourself a life there. It’s hardly fair though, and is just as useful as claiming that World of Warcraft is Lord of the Rings: The MMO. Beyond a casual reference it doesn’t hold any water.</blockquote>Games Radar 6/10.<blockquote>Yet, despite its glaring errors, Fallen Earth remains oddly compelling. It hasn’t achieved its hugely ambitious aims, lacking the polish of the Fallout games, but there’s a kernel of underlying excitement beneath the engine and interface problems. Ever-evolving MMORPGs are tough to judge in their opening weeks. If Fallen Earth manages to sort its issues quickly, the interesting setting and sense of reward afforded by making your own way in its wasteland could draw in a dedicated player base. Until then, it’s an opportunity missed.</blockquote>GamesNation (Eyetalian) 8.2.<blockquote>Fallen Earth is truly a nice MMORPG. In spite of its mix of well-known and overused gameplay formulas and storyline ideas, some of which are very close to Fallout 3, the end product is really various and immersive, and its 5000 square kilometres map is simply astonishing.</blockquote>
And everything that's specifically similar to Fallout is instead similar to Fallout 3.
No, it isn't. Fallout itself is only similar to Fallout 3.

Also.. BN's avatar is incredibly hypnotizing.
Fallen Earth is a bit older then Fallout 3. Even considered vaporware for a while if I recall correctly.

Anyways, for those that care, I have been playing since launch and I think it is a good MMO. It is not afraid of trying something new.
A very solid crafting system coupled with a very free character builder that can really help avoid cookie cutter classes.
There is however a slightly elevated learning curve, but I see it as a good thing since to many MMOs are to pandering for my tastes.
Just learned you can mount machineguns on viechles for example. That was a treat.
yes yes.. fallout 3 is the new standard of all post apoc rpg's.

Excuse me while I step aside and reject this reality that has forced itself upon my fragile mind by hanging myself with barbwire.
sadly, it's a standard set by "kids" for "kids", though if you don't compare it to any fallout, what else do you compare it with? needless saying that comparison itself is shit and nonsense.
as a matter of facts, fallen earth is quite a good mmo title considering its indie birth and that it steps aside the usual fantasy crap. and it is doing quite well it seems.

[btw i'm Vandal Turbodisprezzo ingame :D]
I played for a month or two before I just got tired of it. Its not bad for a MMORPG but it seems to lack immersion and therefore cant keep my interest... i cant think of what else to say, it just was not all that amazing.
i have been playing it since release and i kind of like it.
A better fallout game than fallout 3, and a lot more belivable world
I'd say it's even the exact opposite of vaporware. Vaporware is in my point of view a product consisting of a nice shining container with nothing in it. Like Age of Conan. Pretty Graphics, but as soon as you leave starting town (after 5h) you see that the show phase is over and the real and lot worse games start until you reach mid level and realize that the next phase is reached where there wasnt even time for more quests until you reach endlevel where nothing is working at all.

Personally I don't see good endgame in FE at the moment.
But on the way to endgame there is SO much to do if you want to do it.
I mean, if you want to just finish Fallout 3 - how long do you need? 10 hours? But you can spend much, much more time in this game.
Fallen Earth is full of quests. Several Times I had the impression that some of developers were out of work for some times while some other aspects of the game were still not ready. So instead of doing nothing they spend all the time doing quests and quests and quests...

Unfortunately there is no /played in the game yet. But I got one char to 19 and another to 23 (max is 45), doing most of the quests. playing for about a month now, maybe 50h a week. So, yeah, lots of stuff to do.
Kordanor said:
I'd say it's even the exact opposite of vaporware. Vaporware is in my point of view a product consisting of a nice shining container with nothing in it.

No, vaporware is a term that means a game will never come out. Westbend was saying at one point Fallen Earth had so little news coming out and seemed dead, so it was considered vaporware. Proved the nay-sayers wrong, but that doesn't mean people did not think that.