Fallout 1 – New Ian & Tycho Critters

Continuum said:
Also, I'm never giving them better armours than they got by default.

By the way,
Per Jorner said:
Katja is the only NPC with skill points in Energy Weapons, but she doesn't have the ability to use any of them. Ian and Katja both have useless skill points in Big Guns.
Sduibek said:
Continuum said:
Also, I'm never giving them better armours than they got by default.

By the way,
Per Jorner said:
Katja is the only NPC with skill points in Energy Weapons, but she doesn't have the ability to use any of them. Ian and Katja both have useless skill points in Big Guns.

What is so rolleyes worthy about this? Besides that, nice cherrypicking, as Katjas skillpoints in Energyweapons are Metaknowledge and not accessible through playing the game, only by looking in the actual files/datas.
Sduibek said:
Continuum said:
Also, I'm never giving them better armours than they got by default.

By the way,
Per Jorner said:
Katja is the only NPC with skill points in Energy Weapons, but she doesn't have the ability to use any of them. Ian and Katja both have useless skill points in Big Guns.

What is so rolleyes worthy about this? Besides that, nice cherrypicking, as Katjas skillpoints in Energyweapons are Metaknowledge and not accessible through playing the game, only by looking in the actual files/datas.
Sduibek said:
Continuum said:
Also, I'm never giving them better armours than they got by default.
This way game feels more natural, and is more challenging to me. Once I went to Necropolis with the holy mission... to exterminate these pity subhumans... the battle has started... suddenly brave, but poorly armoured dogie went on the second edge of map (another big badass plus of Fallout - you have no control over everything*)... I thought I'll lose him... but luckily I hunted down these sadists before they beat him to death...

* in before they're shooting in my back! I have no problems with it. They're not skilled assassins after all. Besides, everything is about choices and consequences, right? Wanna help from NPCs? Take them, but they may accidentally hit you. Don't like it? Then don't take them, or take away all firearms, and risk their life in close distance combat (few times I killed Sulik - he's often on the line of fire :D). Simple as that :wink: It's one of many factors which make Fallout so great.
Continuum said:
(few times I killed Sulik - he's often on the line of fire :D). Simple as that :wink: It's one of many factors which make Fallout so great.

Did you reload the game though, that's the question...who has the guts to play the game and not reload when a NPC is wiped out. The NPC having their own combat behavior was genius, thank God BIS did it, otherwise the game would have been a boring affair. There's nothing finer than to see Sulik charge a pack of Deathclaws with his super sledge hammer.

As for the critters changing their armor appearance - why not - as long as it's not forced onto the player, people will have to choose whether or not to tick that little box when installing.

What's the rules for ironman - no saving between towns?
Surf Solar said:
.Pixote. said:
What's the rules for ironman - no saving between towns?

Usually it is - no reloading - if you die, then start a new game. ;)

That's insane - you will never finish the game, one high critical and it's all over. You better select Jinxed and extra movement perks, because you will spend most of the game running for your life. :P
.Pixote. said:
Surf Solar said:
.Pixote. said:
What's the rules for ironman - no saving between towns?

Usually it is - no reloading - if you die, then start a new game. ;)

That's insane - you will never finish the game, one high critical and it's all over. You better select Jinxed and extra movement perks, because you will spend most of the game running for your life. :P

I (and many others AFAIK) have finished both fallout 1 and 2 in iron (wo)man mode. It's perfectly possible. High outdoorsman and high perception is essential- so is finding ways to solve problems that don't put you in the way of gunfire.

It's only really viable for players with lots of metaknowledge of the game, but- certainly- a very interesting experience.
James Snowscoran said:
[snip], but- certainly- a very interesting experience.
For sure! I remember playing ironman-ish in the Diablo series, and it's a very crazy but definitely not un-fun experience. The true terror of running for your life as Pixote said is pretty awesome actually, versus "oh geez I gotta hit Load lolololol"

Not saying I play that way most of the time, but something fun to try if you're a kind of person who doesn't break keyboards easily.

.Pixote. said:
[snip]You better select Jinxed [snip]
For the record, taking Jinxed regardless of character build / playing style is AWESOME. This IMO is the single most underrated Trait in all the Fallout games. There's nothing more satisfying than Super Mutants liquefying themselves for your entertainment.

Oh! I forgot to mention: Fallout 1 AI has a "MinimumToHit" field, which is read by the game as "if your ToHit% is below this, don't try to shoot at the target". So for NPCs wielding laser rifles and such, its unlikely that they'd even use it in combat much (if ever) if they don't have appropriate skill points, because their chance to hit would be horrendous.

This could, if desired, of course be further limited by raising that AI field, or changing the NPC's starting skills, or both.

Another option is to simply delete the non-vanilla / non-canon files from the new .FRMs, so as to be more in line with what they will state in dialog they are skilled with. That's actually a cool idea, I may in fact do that :cool:
Sorry for further derail sduibek, but what kind of fallout version is that with those oversaturated HP/AC numbers? :o I've never seen that before.
Surf Solar said:
Sorry for further derail sduibek, but what kind of fallout version is that with those oversaturated HP/AC numbers? :o I've never seen that before.
Oh, heh. They are from here:
It's an optional install on FIXT Alpha 1. Personally I like them, and including it in the download is no big deal because the files are like 200KB ;)

EDIT: A few minutes with your favorite image editor and you could have http://i52.tinypic.com/2lmo51i.jpg instead
.Pixote., what are the files for these critters ending O_.FRM, P_.FRM, and Q_.FRM? None of these exist in Fallout 1. Are these leftover from your testing or something?

Based on what i'm seeing in Titanium, they seem to be duplicates that are wasting space and can be deleted.

Also they dont exist in documentation either...



	RC - DEAD_LYING_BACK (???, it looks the same as ******ra.frm, check hfcmbtrc.frm, probably unused)
	RH - DEAD_LYING_BURNED (???, the same as ******re.frm, this was probably intended to be ELECTRIC_BURNED)
	RK - ASHES (!!!literaly)
I apologize if this is already answered... do we have Combat Armor and Power Armor graphics for the Ian and Tycho critters? (Long Hair Dude and Bald Dude)

For some reason I can't find them. I seem to recall that I don't have them included in FIXT 4.1 for this reason.

Also, what about green/red/whatever-haired chicks? To get a custom look for Katja. I know one was in the works but was only partially finished...

Also, probably nobody cares but Continuum I'll add an optional thing at some point that restores the look for Ian. There's already a No-Armor-Gfx-Change option for NPCs, so it's just as easy as changing the byte in those files back to the original value and making those a third option (a subset of the No-Armor-Gfx-Change option in other words). You're welcome. Haha ;)

Maybe they're somewhere in here and I'm just not seeing it.